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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२९

Role and Challenges of Young Legal Practitioners

परितोष घिमिरे

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Looking at the changes taking place in the political, economic, social and cultural fields of Nepal, it seems that there is a wave of youth participation and youth leadership. According to the prevailing legal system of Nepal, Nepali citizens between 16 and 40 years of age are defined as 'youth'. The National Youth Policy of Nepal, 2072 has defined the youth as a valuable asset of the nation.

Role and Challenges of Young Legal Practitioners

Since it is mentioned in the same policy that the youth are the precursors of political, economic, social and cultural transformation and the driving force of change, it seems essential that the youth of Nepal bear the responsibility of political, economic, social and cultural transformation of Nepal . For this, young lawyers also have an important role.

The goal of sustainable development and young lawyers
The role of young lawyers is very different from that of young people in any other field. First of all, it is the duty of young legal professionals to protect the nationalism, national unity, national integrity, democracy and human rights that have been assimilated by the constitution of Nepal. In a development-oriented country like Nepal, young lawyers play an important role in making the necessary policies to maintain the rule of law and in informing all stakeholders about the importance of compliance with the law in the sustainable development of the nation.

The United Nations Office in Nepal has set goals to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030, which includes peace, justice and competent institutions for peaceful and inclusive sustainable development Young legal professionals should also play a special role in achieving goals such as promoting society, ensuring access to justice for all and establishing effective, accountable and inclusive organizations at all levels.

To promote non-discriminatory laws and policies under the Sustainable Development Goals, to ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative policy making at all levels, to promote legal governance at national and international levels, to ensure equal access to justice for all, abuse, exploitation, Young legal professionals can make an important contribution to end human trafficking and torture and all forms of violence against children. In terms of achieving the goals of sustainable development, young legal practitioners can also contribute to identify various problems related to society and the nation, and facilitate complex legal situations.

It is also the responsibility of young legal professionals to inform people living in the society about their rights and rights and not to deprive them of their rights due to ignorance of the law. In November 2023, the World Bank published an article in 'World Bank Voices' entitled 'Law and the Role of Legal Practitioners' in the areas of environmental and biodiversity protection, social protection and gender equality, which are effective in achieving the goals of sustainable development. To cooperate with the private sector that plays a role and to facilitate financing and business transactions, to provide necessary training to enhance the capacity of the government, legal professionals and other concerned bodies, to support effective judicial programs aimed at increasing public trust in national bodies, and also the head of young legal professionals. It is mentioned that the role remains.

Law business and young lawyers
The attraction of the young generation in the field of law business in Nepal is increasing. In the course of time, it is certain that young lawyers will dominate the field of legal business in Nepal. In the Young Lawyers Report published in 2022 by the President of the International Bar Association, Stranford Moyo noted that new entrants and future entrants to the legal profession are new to the profession, but the skills of new entrants are constantly being developed. Today's young lawyers are tomorrow's. Will remain at the leading level. Therefore, addressing the needs of young legal professionals today will guide the direction of what form the legal profession will take in the future.

The overall development of young legal professionals will benefit the legal profession in the future. In the Young Lawyers Report published by the International Bar Association in 2022, Jane Goodwall asked what motivates young lawyers to the profession, what young lawyers want, what challenges young lawyers are facing in the legal profession, young lawyers from their area of ​​expertise. Young lawyers around the world are interested in what they expect and see their future in this field, the perception of young lawyers about senior lawyers and senior lawyers and the relationship between senior lawyers and senior lawyers and young lawyers. Young lawyers in Nepal are also searching for the exact answers to the same questions.

The challenge to young legal professionals
The preamble of Nepal's Legal Practitioners Council Act, 2050 has given legal professionals the responsibility of conducting more responsible services towards the society. Even though the legal professionals have been entrusted with the responsibility of conducting services in a responsible manner towards the society, the Nepal Legal Practitioners Council, Nepal Bar Association and various bar units scattered throughout Nepal have not been able to effectively carry out the responsibility of ensuring the future of young legal professionals in the field of legal profession. Young legal professionals are operating their business in confusion whether their future will be assured or not after joining the field of law business .

Even though the overall development of young legal professionals carries a lot of potential for a prosperous future in the legal business sector, there is not enough effort to solve the problems faced by young legal professionals professionally. Although young legal professionals have the necessary skills for legal professionals, young legal professionals are still forced to spend years looking for opportunities to further develop and mature their skills .

Currently, the Nepal Legal Practitioners Council has been mentioning in programs targeting budding legal practitioners that they will ensure professional affiliation for a certain period of time for budding legal practitioners. Similarly, the Nepal Bar Association has also formed a separate youth legal practitioner concern committee. The committee will seriously study the issues of young legal practitioners, the professional of young legal practitioners Young legal professionals are optimistic about taking the lead in solving problems and advocating for the interests of young legal professionals.

Various bar units scattered all over Nepal are also continuously conducting programs aimed at young legal professionals. Therefore, with regard to the role and potential of young legal practitioners, all stakeholders will be serious and will take concrete steps to solve the professional problems of young legal practitioners as soon as possible.

The author is a legal practitioner .

प्रकाशित : वैशाख २८, २०८१ १७:५७
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