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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ७०

The third phase of the Sami program: 60,000 received financial literacy


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More than 60,000 people have received financial literacy and psychosocial counseling in the third phase of the Safe Migration (Sami) program. They have benefited from the 21-week financial literacy and psychosocial counseling classes, which are mainly aimed at repatriated family members who are employed abroad.

The third phase of the Sami program: 60,000 received financial literacy

According to the bilateral agreement between the Government of Nepal and the Swiss Government, the Safe Immigration Sami Program is being conducted under the leadership of the Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security and the local governments.

According to the report presented at the financial literacy consultation meeting organized by Diprox Nepal, which is working as a technical partner in this program on Monday, in the third phase, 2399 financial literacy classes were completed in 156 local levels of 38 districts .

58 thousand 694 women and 1 thousand 199 men, a total of 59 thousand 893 and 184 people from 1 local level, including 184 people from the local level. .

Caste-wise, Dalit 23.68 percent, Janjati 43.79 percent and Madhesi 12.32 percent were initiated. The total participation of Dalits, tribals, Madhesi and marginalized is 79.79 percent was . The first and second phase of the

program was completed from 2011 to 2018 and the third phase is running from 16 September 2018 to 15 July 2024.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १७:०८
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