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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६७

I will remove party politicization in the education sector: Minister Shrestha


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Education, Science and Technology Minister Sumana Shrestha has said that party politicization in the education sector will be removed. Answering the questions asked by the MPs in the House of Representatives meeting on Monday, Minister Shrestha said that she will eliminate party politicization in the education sector as long as she remains a minister.

I will remove party politicization in the education sector: Minister Shrestha

She said that by mobilizing the police in the university, the interference of the fraternal organizations of the political parties will be stopped. She said that in the advertisement opened by the Service Commission in Tribhuvan University, there was a situation where the police had to be interviewed.

She said, Trivima Service Commission opened a new advertisement. Another group has risen up and locked it because they can't do that advertisement. Threatened. The police should be interviewed. There is a situation where the police have to work. Everyone should do their best to find out which political party these fraternal organizations belong to. If the education minister goes, political interference, if the police goes, political interference. Therefore, it will continue till such time, till that time the party political interference will not end. But as long as I am the Minister of Education, I will use the police instead. But I do not tolerate gangsterism. And party politicization will be removed.'

Minister Shrestha said that not only the Ministry of Education but the entire society should be outraged by the results of the SEE examination. She said that the percentage of students who fail in SEE reflects the society. He said that teachers, parents, politicians should pay equal attention to the improvement of the education sector.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १६:०७
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