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Euro 2024: Losses to both Czechs and Georgia in draws


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Patrik Cic's second-half goal helped the Czech Republic hold Euro debutant Georgia to a 1-1 draw on Saturday. Although the game was exciting, this result will not benefit either team. In Group F, both teams have one point each from two matches.

Euro 2024: Losses to both Czechs and Georgia in draws

With this result, the possibility of reaching the knockout stage of both teams remains. Turkey and Portugal top the group with three points each. The two will have a late match on Saturday night. Georgia took the lead late in the first half in the game in Hamburg. Georges Mikutadze scored from the penalty spot in the fourth minute of first half injury time.

Czech Czech equalized for the team in the 59th minute. Now Georgia will face Portugal and Czech Republic will face Turkey in the final match of the league stage. The coach of Georgia said that despite the poor performance of the team in the first match, his players worked hard to win the first point in Euro history.

Georgia goalkeeper Jirogi Mamadasavi made a series of saves. He could not stop Cic, the hero of the most goals in Euro 2020. Both teams were defeated in their first match. Because of this, both were under pressure. Georgia is the lowest ranked team in this year's Euros.

प्रकाशित : असार ८, २०८१ २१:०३
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