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Abhik and Anshudil ahead in SEE Cup Chase


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Abhik Shah is ahead with 4 points in the Goldengate SEE Cup Rapid Chess Tournament organized by Himalayan Chess Academy on Saturday.

Abhik and Anshudil ahead in SEE Cup Chase

He scored 4 points by defeating Manjay Kumar Patel, Vibhushit Kayastha, Tejas Atal and Rohit Shrestha of 1825 rating of James School. Top ranking 1972 rating Purushottam Silwal also scored 4 points after defeating Harendra Kumar Mahato, Swastikraj Joshi, Shambhuhang Rai and Nischal Adhikari. Even though they have equal points, Abhik is in the top position based on tiebreak.

Purushottam and Abhik are competing in the fifth stage of the competition based on the Swiss system. Tejas, Swastikraj, Nischal, Vibhushit, Rohit, Rohan Khatiwada, Anup Sivakoti scored the same 3 points. Shamwuhang was in the top 10 with 2 points. Anshudil Prajapati is ahead in

girls. He added 2 points. Jessica Singh is second with 1 point. The SEE Cup, organized under the sponsorship of Goldengate College, will conclude on Sunday with the seventh round of competition.

The winner will get 10,000, the runner-up will get 5,000 and the third runner-up will get a scholarship to Goldengate College along with 3,000 rupees.

प्रकाशित : असार ८, २०८१ २२:०२
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