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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Farewell to Prince Dahal, the first Nepalese badminton player to participate in the Olympics

नारायण शर्मा

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Prince Dahal, the first Nepali badminton player to participate in the Summer Olympic Games in France after two months, is going to train in Sri Lanka on Sunday.

Farewell to Prince Dahal, the first Nepalese badminton player to participate in the Olympics

Dahal will be the first Nepalese player to play badminton on behalf of Nepal in the Olympics. The National Sports Council and Nepal Badminton held a farewell and honor program for Dahal, who is the top ranked player of Nepal.

Chief coach Sudip Yonjan along with Prince will go to Sri Lanka on Sunday. Greece will host the Summer Olympics from July 26 to August 11.

Member Secretary of the National Sports Council Tanklal Ghising and Badminton Association President Ramji Bahadur Shrestha and other officials bid farewell to Dahal by wishing him success. Prince Dahal is the first Nepali badminton player to play Olympics for Nepal.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १९, २०८१ १५:०७
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