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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७९

Disappeared after drowning in the river


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A youth from Jajarkot who went to bathe in Bheri river has gone missing.

24-year-old Kamal Budha of Shivalaya Rural Municipality 3 Seema of Jajarkot went missing after drowning in Bheri. Deputy Superintendent of Police and DSP Navraj Pokharel of District Police Office Rukum West said that an old man went to bathe in Bheri river in Chaurjahari Municipality 3 of Rukum West on Thursday afternoon and went missing after drowning.

According to DSP Pokharel, an old man working at the 50-bed Rukum Chowrjahari Hospital under construction in Chowrjahari Municipality 3 Tatagaon had gone to Bheri to take a bath in the afternoon to cool off the heat.

DSP Pokharel said that upon receiving the information about the disappearance of Budha Bheri in the river, a police team from the area police office, Chaurjahari and Jajarkot Kudu was sent to the spot for search. The locals and the police are continuing the search for the missing old man.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २९, २०८० २०:५५
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