कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५३

It is the contractor who sells gravel-sand from the river under the 'monitoring' of public representatives.

It has been revealed that the contractor company is monitoring the people's representatives who come to monitor the excavation in the river. For that, it has been found that they have been assigning suraki where the representatives of the respective wards will go.

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The local level has awarded a contract for the excavation of ballast sand from Tinau and Danav rivers in Rupandehi. The companies that have completed the contract imposed by the local level are extracting river materials from the river daily. It has been found that the attention of the contractor company, which has an agreement to follow the standards set by the municipality for excavation, is focused on selling gravel-sand crushers from the river to the public representatives.

It is the contractor who sells gravel-sand from the river under the 'monitoring' of public representatives.

It has been revealed that the contractor company is monitoring the people's representatives who come to monitor the excavation in the river. For that, it has been found that they are making inquiries about where the representatives of the respective wards go. According to the public representative, the residents around the river are complaining that the contractor has sold gravel-sand directly to the crusher industry.

Sometimes the locals take a video of the sale and send it to the public representatives. After listening to the complaints of the locals, the contractor has already taken precautions without reaching for monitoring, said the public representative. In this way, the news from the office for monitoring has already reached the contractor. When the public representative arrives, the contractor shows that he is working according to the standards . The local residents expressed their grief that the contractor sold gravel-sand to the crusher but did not give it to the general public.

Locals have complained that people's representatives turn a blind eye to control such actions in many places. Excavation is currently underway in upper and lower Dingarnagar located in Tilottama-4 of Rupandehi . Locals have said that the contractor who has taken the contract for excavation there sells gravel-sand to the contractor from the river. Hari Bahadur Chhetri, the Ward President of Tilottma-4, also said that he has repeatedly informed the municipality about such actions of the contractor. "I have raised the matter even in the executive meeting," said Chhetri, "we want the municipality to organize it quickly." He said that the contractors could not be controlled by force. "Half an hour ago, we informed the municipality about this work," he said on Tuesday afternoon Tell Kantipur that it is not possible. They said that they are monitoring the customers who come to the office by going to the river from time to time.

Contracts have been awarded for excavations at Goratta, Pahuni and Harpur located in Tilottama-6 in Ruppandehi . Of these, mining is slow at Harpur as the machines are not working . Excavation is going on at Gorkatta and Pahuni. "During the monitoring, it does not appear that they are selling from the river," Tilottama-6 Ward President Ganesh Pathak said, "But, while sitting in the office, the locals call and inform him." He said that he is monitoring the river keeping in mind the customers who come to the office. 'When they reach the river, it seems that they take it to Ghatgaddi,' he said, 'It is not possible to sit there and monitor the whole period, I have reached it once a day.' Did . "Purchasing and selling will be done only after verifying the amount of gravel-sand that the municipality has filled the ghat," he said, "We will buy such materials from the contractor, we will not go directly to the river."

He said that the crusher industry is not concerned with how contractors are mining and selling from the river. According to the businessman, old gravel-sand was available in the crusher industry of the district. Now all the industries are full of gravel and sand. The locals complain that the monitoring committee did not pay attention to the accumulation of gravel and sand.

District Coordination Committee Chief Umakant Chapai admitted that complaints were received from Tilottama Municipality and 2/3 places of Mayadevi Rural Municipality that they are selling sand sand directly to the crusher industry without Ghatgaddi. 'We have solved the problem by monitoring,' he said, 'we are going to the river and ghatgaddi site every day to make sure that there is no mischief.' ; He said that a Quick Response Team (QRT) has been formed for monitoring as soon as complaints are received.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २३, २०८१ १०:३९
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