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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Muglin-Pokhara road extension: 53 km black paper complete


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A 53 km section under the Muglin-Pokhara road has been blacked out. The 80 km long road has been paved in the eastern 33 and 20 km in the western section.

Muglin-Pokhara road extension: 53 km black paper complete

According to the Muglin-Pokhara road extension project office, work is being done on the remaining part. So far, 62 percent physical progress has been made in the eastern section and 28 percent in the western section.

Since the monsoon is active from June to October, the construction of structures such as drains, retaining walls, culverts and other structures for water drainage is being done at a fast pace, said Narayan Poudel, engineer of the West.

Out of the three major bridges under construction in the eastern section, the bridge near Dumre Bazar has been completed, while the bridge near Ambukhaireni and Damauli has reached its final stage. The 'Arch Design' bridge is under construction on Madi River in Tanahun. Engineer Pandey said that 30 percent of the bridge work has been completed so far.

With the help of concessional loan from Asian Development Bank (ADB), the work is continuing through the Muglin-Pokhara road plan to widen and level the two-lane road from Pokhara to Muglin. With the aim of speedy completion of the road expansion work, the work has been started by dividing it into two parts. The work of expanding the road to four lanes is being done by a Chinese company.

The 39 km area from Seti Bridge at Prithvichok in Pokhara to Jamune in Tanahun is in the western section. Similarly, the 43 km road from Jamune to Ambukhaireni is in the eastern section. The contract for the construction of the western section has been signed for 7 billion 40 million 46 million rupees. The cost of the eastern section is 6 billion 21 crore 31 lakh 13 thousand rupees. According to the agreement, the work of the project should be completed within the next August.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ १२:२७
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