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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १७५

Avalanche in Birendra Lake, washed away a bridge

Residents of the coastal area of ​​Budhigand are urged to be vigilant

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An avalanche has occurred in Birendra Lake area of ​​Chumanuvri rural municipality-1 Samagaon. Ward member Dhejen Lama informed that due to the avalanche that fell in Birendra Lake, the bridge of the footpath from Samgaon to Samdo was also swept away.

Avalanche in Birendra Lake, washed away a bridge

"After falling into the ice lake that has been frozen for a long time, the flow has increased, a bridge was also washed away," she said, "small landslides were falling before, but today a big landslide has occurred."

She said that the frozen 'ice' fell after the change in weather. She said that the residents of the coastal area of ​​Budhigand were also asked to be alert as the water flowing from the lake increased after the landslide. The water flowing from Birendra Lake has increased compared to previous times.

A police team is going to Birendra Lake area from Samagaon Police Station. Police said that the road was blocked after the bridge was washed away. Now Manaslu region is also the season of Bhamran.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ९, २०८१ १०:२३
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