कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ४५

Risk of life to swing: Residents of Neshampari stopped in the village for five days.

अनिश तिवारी

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Due to incessant rains, only one suspension bridge connecting Dipu, Tega and Tembathan, the last village of Jugal Rural Municipality, has become dangerous due to Neshamkhola flood.

Risk of life to swing: Residents of Neshampari stopped in the village for five days.

220 families of these three villages who are waiting for the basic facilities of development such as roads and electricity are scared after the bridge connecting them to the market area has become dilapidated. "They have been stuck in the local village for a few days after they had to risk their lives to cross the suspension bridge. The side of the bridge where they go to buy daily necessities has been buried by landslides, they are not in a position to cross," said Saila Sherpa of Jugal-3 Tembathan.

On June 10, he said, the bridge was in this state when the river was blocked by mudstones that were demolished by the hydropower company here. According to him, since the bridge cannot be crossed, the connection with Gumbathan, Kattike area, which is the central market of three villages, has been lost.

Due to unconnected roads, local pregnant and post-natal patients had to rely on helicopters to go for treatment. Now women, children and old people are confined in the village as they have to cross the bridge on four hands and feet, only the men who can take the risk to cross the bridge," said Sherpa.

Some time ago, the hydropower company connected the road, but now the road has become blocked due to the rise of Bramhayani and Neshamkhola. The work started three years ago to connect the two villages including Tembathan, a remote area of ​​the district, was stopped after the rains and the absence of a bridge has added to the misery of the locals.

Pohor Barkha was also high along with the river Gegran. Therefore, the locals say that the bridge was destroyed by the flood caused by the damming of the river. Village Chairman Resham Syangbo said that he knows about this problem and is studying whether the bridge can be repaired or not.

"People's representatives and locals are in constant contact, without the bridge, the way of life there will be disrupted, so we are ready to connect the bridge to its original condition," said Syangbo.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १७:३८
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