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A young man was arrested from Banepa with fake notes


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Police have arrested a youth from Banepa with fake notes. According to the district police office, Sabin Humagai, 25, of Bethanchok Rural Municipality-3 was arrested.

A young man was arrested from Banepa with fake notes

He was arrested by the joint team of District Police Complex Lalitpur and Area Police Office at Banepa Municipality Ward No. 5 at 2 o'clock on Friday afternoon. Deputy Superintendent of Police Raj Kumar Shrestha informed the information officer of District Police Office Kavre who was arrested from M Mobile Center.

The police recovered 1 color printer, 1 Dell laptop, 1 iPhone mobile, 69 thousand fake notes, 5 hundred He informed that 1 piece of fake note, 1 ream of photocopy paper for printing money was recovered.

The police have informed that the arrested person has been sent to the district police complex in Lalitpur for necessary investigation.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २, २०८० १८:३१
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