कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ४०

Development of the local level is impossible without the support of the state government: Chief Minister Singh

सन्तोष सिंह

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The Chief Minister of Madhesh Province, Satish Kumar Singh, has said that the state government is careful to manage the budget. "Agriculture and tourism in the province have enough potential, but they have not been able to operate due to lack of budget," he said.

Development of the local level is impossible without the support of the state government: Chief Minister Singh

Inaugurating the Samman and Civil Accessible Health Campaign organized by the Mahottari Chamber of Commerce in Bardibas, Chief Minister Singh said that the state government is serious about taking care of children without parents. Prahlad Chhetri, the head of Bardibas municipality, said that no plan for agriculture has been made effective in Madhesh, which is fertile for agriculture.

Although the three-level government spent the budget, the farmers were not benefited, so they requested the Chief Minister to come up with a plan to increase the agricultural production of Madhesh. He said that development at the local level is impossible without the support of the state government.

Even though half of the budget comes to the local level, which is the minister of the province, the city head Chhetri requested the Chief Minister to improve the situation where the budget of the province is zero at the neighboring local level. Mahottari Chamber of Commerce gave the chief minister a meeting with the girls of leprosy-affected families. Chairman of Mahottari Chamber of Commerce Sudhir Agarwal said that they are helping the children living in the leprosy hospital at Lalgarh in Dhanusha.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ २१:५०
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