कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ९५

Neta Chaudhary's question - 'Why not arrest Lamichhane who has a double passport?'

शंकर आचार्य

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Congress leader and former minister Surendra Prasad Chaudhary has said that the arrest of Kantipur Media Group Chairman Kailash Sirohia is a major attack on press freedom.

Neta Chaudhary's question - 'Why not arrest Lamichhane who has a double passport?'

Stating that Sirohia's arrest was a revenge for criticizing the government and writing the news about the co-operative fraud case involving Home Minister Ravi Lamichhane, Chaudhary questioned why Lamichhane, who holds a dual passport, was not arrested. He said that if someone files a complaint, it is authoritarianism to take the path of arrest without giving them a chance to investigate and even present their views. "This is an attack on the freedom of the press and democracy," Chaudhary said, "It is a serious attack against the organization that writes news against corruption, misrule, and irregularity by mixing the constitution and laws." "This became the Panchayat style, it used to be like that at that time," he said. "The manner in which the president of the country's leading media house and prominent media entrepreneur was arrested is absolutely wrong," he said Chaurasia accused the Home Minister Lamichhane of adopting the style of the then King Gyanendra Shah to suppress the media, and that he has become as arrogant as Gyanendra. "If the government is run by the greed and personal ego of a person, it is a sign that a serious crisis may come to the country," he said, "If the power alliance and other officials of the RSVP do not take a proper decision on time, the government and its party may also be in crisis."

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ २१:४९
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