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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Only student from Jhapa to score 4 GPA


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Only one student from Jhapa got GPA 4.  According to the results announced on Thursday, Kusika Basnet, a student of Siddharth Boarding School in Damak, Jhapa, has secured GPA 4.

Only student from Jhapa to score 4 GPA

Education development and coordination According to unit Jhapa, Basnet is the only student in the district to get GPA 4 results. According to the school administration, Basnet has been a brilliant student since childhood.

education development and coordination According to Unit Jhapa, a total of 15 thousand 562 students gave the SEE exam in Jhapa. In which 746 students got a GPA of 3.60. Only one got GPA 4 . 2 thousand 454 students got GPA 3.20 to 3.60 .

2 thousand 972 brought GPA 2.80 to 3.20 . 1 thousand 103 people got GPA 2.40 to 2.80 . 45 people got a GPA of 2 to 2.40 . 8 thousand 137 people brought NA/NG .

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १२:३९
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