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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Protein to stay healthy

Feeding junk food to children can lead to protein deficiency and malnutrition. Therefore, food rich in protein and micronutrients that are readily available at home should be used.

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Today, people who work out buy and eat protein shakes, protein powders. However, public health experts in India have said that it has a negative impact on health. Protein plays a major role in building and repairing body cells. Protein is needed to build strong muscles and bones, it keeps hair and nails healthy.

Protein to stay healthy

Not only that, the body needs protein to make many types of internal juice hormones. Protein comes from the food in the kitchen. People are buying and eating from the market without understanding this simple thing. Food Science says that a typical adult needs 0.8 grams to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of body weight daily. In addition, people who exercise daily, pregnant women need a little more protein per kilogram. But that is achieved through healthy food.

Eggs and paneer contain protein and other nutrients such as calcium, B-12. Even those who don't eat meat can get protein by eating pulses, gram flour, peas, paneer, tofu, millet, fapar, barley. If there is a lack of protein in the diet, it can lead to emaciation, sukenas and fukenas in children. When a person with diabetes lacks protein, it is difficult to control the amount of sugar in the body.

Too much protein deficiency can also cause joint pain. Both non-vegetarian and non-vegetarian diets are rich in protein. Protein is found in fish, meat, eggs as well as soybeans, paneer, lentils, legumes, dried fruits, milk, parsley seeds, sesame, flax, wheat, rice, millet, peas, broccoli. Beans are an excellent source of protein and fiber. Protein is also found in Tusa made from chickpeas and mung beans. The protein found in meat or khutti jhol, kwanti vegetables, pulses etc. is of high level.

Chickpea satu is the best protein food you can make at home. It is perfect for children, adults, elderly people. You can roast chickpeas at home and grind them into flour and add lemon and salt to the water. Satu can be mixed with milk or added to vegetables and pulses. Almonds are also a great source of protein. To get protein, almonds can be roasted and made into flour and mixed with milk. Raw almonds can also be eaten raw. Millet flour can be fried, made into pudding and mixed with milk. Protein is also found in milk but many people find it difficult to digest milk. In that case it is fine to use curd.

Feeding junk food to children can cause them to become malnourished due to lack of protein. Therefore, food rich in protein and micronutrients that are readily available at home should be used. Adequate protein is found in millet, sorghum, barley, latte grain, chino along with other micronutrients. Spinach, bakulla (green and dried) can be eaten mixed with vegetables or pulses. Even when making roti, you can make flour from a mixture of many grains and eat it with green vegetables.

In fact, the lack of information among parents is the cause of protein deficiency in children despite the fact that protein-rich foods are around. For this, with the knowledge of grandmothers, the diet of today's infants, children and young people cannot lack protein.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ ०८:०८
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