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Tenth Congress of Unified Socialists: Left Unity and Defense of Constitution Emphasized by Top Leaders

UML president KP Sharma Oli has boycotted the Congress of United Socialists. By boycotting the opening session of the Congress, Oli has once again confirmed that he still has an old grudge with President Nepal, the leaders of the United Socialist Party have said.

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The Congress of CPN United Socialists has started in Kathmandu. 2 years and 10 months after the split from the UML, the 10th Congress of the United Socialists began on Sunday at the Nepal Pragya Academy. In the inaugural session, the top leaders of the major parties said that they should move forward with the defense of the constitution and the reform of the federal democratic system, while the left-wing leaders emphasized on the unity of the left.

Tenth Congress of Unified Socialists: Left Unity and Defense of Constitution Emphasized by Top Leaders

In the opening session of the Congress, Madhav Kumar Nepal, President of the United Socialist Party, said that the rationale of forming a new party was confirmed. Speaking at the opening session of the Congress, Prime Minister and Maoist Center Chairman Pushpa Kamal Dahal claimed that efforts are being made to unite with the United Socialist Party. "We have tried to form one party as much as possible between the united socialists and the Maoists by sitting on the same front," he said. I also wish to wish them to decide in favor of the unity of the communist movement.

Dahal complained that the pending political document of the Unified Socialist presented him as a leader of unstable character. "Because of that character, change in the country has become possible," he said. Pointing to CPN General Secretary Netra Vikram Chand, a constituent of the Samajwadi Front, who was sitting on the platform, he commented that the Maoists were active. It's mobility, not instability. If peace comes to the country from war, it is not instability,' he said, 'if a federal democratic republic comes from the Constituent Assembly, that is mobility, not instability.'

Congress president of the main opposition party, Sher Bahadur Deuba, while congratulating the Congress of Integrated Socialists, said that the main issue is the defense of the constitution, strengthening of the federal democratic republican system and sustainable peace in the country through this constitution.

Former Prime Minister Deuba also said that the country should move towards good governance and prosperity. "Defending the constitution of Nepal, strengthening the federal democratic system and achieving lasting peace, good governance and prosperity in the country through this constitution are important agendas," he said, "Integrated socialists have acted towards the federal democratic republican system. Integrated Socialists are working with a deep commitment to this system. I believe that it will continue in the future as well.' In the

program, Deputy Prime Minister and Home Minister and Chairman of the National Independent Party, Ravi Lamichhane said that the country is in trouble because the priorities of the people and the leadership are different. He said that it is not the people and the farmers but the leadership that has put the country in trouble. When the priorities of the common people and the leadership are different, the country is always in trouble. In Nepal, the priority of the common people and the priority of the leadership are not the same. Therefore, democracy has become a matter of concern for us," he said. "If democracy is in danger, there are activists and people who will protect it. Leaders don't need to worry.'

Giving a congratulatory speech, Upendra Yadav, President of Janata Samajwadi Party, Nepal, alleged that commissarism and corruption have increased from the union to the state. Now the country is in a complicated situation. We have saved the federal, democratic republic from falling into a major accident. Madhavji and his party have contributed a lot in this,” he said.

Janamat Party President CK Raut satirized Prime Minister Dahal and other Left leaders' talk of socialism. He argued that in a country where 43 percent of people are below the poverty line, a leader who eats at a five-star hotel 15 days a month cannot bring socialism. President of Janata Samajwadi Party Ashok Kumar Rai argued that it is necessary to further enrich the constitution. He said that it is necessary to further revise the constitution and make it recognizable, strong and successful. "We have worked hard to bring about this change. "I am also a person who joined the movement after the senior leaders who lived here from a point of conflicting moment of Nepali politics," he said.

Nepal Communist Party General Secretary Netravikram Chand said that Nepal is in a complicated situation. Addressing the opening session, he also mentioned that the national independence of Nepal is under great pressure due to the polarized politics of the world today, the geopolitics of Nepal.

Addressing the opening session, President of United Samajwadi Nepal targeted UML President KP Sharma Oli and mentioned that there is still a danger of dissolution of Parliament.

'An attempt was made to abolish the constitution but was thwarted. We have protected the workers by building the party," he said. He said that they have also confirmed the rationale of revolting from UML. "Rebellion has been confirmed in a moment," he said, pointing to Prime Minister Dahal, "Honorable Prime Minister!" Even now it is heard that they are saying that it was fixed by recommending the dissolution of Parliament. It has now been fixed by recommending dissolution Those who say they will dissolve it again tomorrow, take care.' Leaders of the United Socialist Party have said that by boycotting the opening session of the convention, Oli has once again confirmed that he still has an old grudge with President Nepal.

Nepal was not invited to the 10th Congress of the UML in Chitwan in November 2078, but despite being invited to the Congress of the United Socialists, which started on Sunday, the UML boycotted it.

UML Propaganda Department Head Rajendra Gautam said that UML did not participate in the Congress of Unified Socialists because the justification for the split was not confirmed. Why did you separate from UML? The justification for that has not been confirmed,' he said, 'even if there is cooperation with the government, we have concluded that we will not participate in the convention.' "Why didn't UML come, I myself have called ten times. I also called the assistant when I did not receive the call. My phone did not pick up," he said, "I wrote the details and sent a message. I also received the news that the message has arrived. It seemed as if the old wounds remained. "There is no need to harbor any hatred," he said.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ ०६:५२
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