कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११८

Analyzing the geo-political situation with the national interest at the center is necessary: ​​Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha


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Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs Narayankaji Shrestha has said that it is necessary to analyze the growing geo-political situation keeping the national interest at the center.

Analyzing the geo-political situation with the national interest at the center is necessary: ​​Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha

In a program held by the Foreign Affairs Studies Foundation on Monday, he expressed the view that developing geopolitical developments should be measured by keeping in mind the basic interests of the country and the people, and maintaining relations with the world community including development partners.

Referring to Nepal's economic, technical and military capabilities, Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha said, 'Diplomacy is the first and last means of defense for Nepal's sovereignty, geographical integrity, stability and national independence.'

Mentioning that Nepal is one of the oldest countries in Asia due to the appropriate operation of diplomacy and negotiation, international relations, he emphasized that there should be a concerted effort to enhance the capacity of the country's diplomats and institutions related to diplomacy.

Climate change, cyber and energy security, international organized crime, artificial intelligence and new and developing challenges have broadened the scope of international cooperation and dialogue, he said.

Considering that the importance of diplomats has increased due to geopolitical competition and new sensitive issues, Deputy Prime Minister Shrestha said, 'We must have more diplomatic efficiency and integrity to face new challenges.'

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १८:२२
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