कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ११८

A 13-member presidium was formed at the Congress of the Unified Socialists


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The Communist Party of Nepal (Unified Socialist) has formed a 13-member presidium under the chairmanship of the respected leader of the party, Jhalnath Khanal, to complete the tenth national convention.

A 13-member presidium was formed at the Congress of the Unified Socialists

The presiding committee was formed by the closed session of the convention held today under the chairmanship of party president Madhav Kumar Nepal. Dr. Veduram Bhusal, Rajendra Prasad Pandey, Ghanendra Basnet, Pramesh Hamal, Keshavalal Shrestha, Dharmanath Sah, Jayanthi Rai, Ramchandra Jha, Nagendra Chaudhary, Savitra Bhusal, Mahbuj Alam and Ganesh Vick are members in the chairmanship.

The closed session has formed a three-member minute writing committee headed by deputy general secretary of the party, Prakash Jwala. The members of the committee are Gangalal Tuladhar and Vijayakumar Paudel. In this way, the joint session has appointed deputy general secretary Jagannath Khatiwada, coordinator and members Rajendra Rai, Ramkumari Jhankri, Dharmanath Sah, Jeevanram Shrestha, Hari Parajuli, Devsingh Mahata, Bhaviswar Parajuli, Yadav Rayamazhi, Anarkali Mian, Abdul Hussain Khan. , Sarita Khadka and Navraj Shrestha have formed a discussion note committee.

On that occasion, President Nepal handed over the responsibility to Khanal, Chairman of the Board of Directors, by presenting a cap and a bag to complete the convention. The chairmanship is responsible for creating various mechanisms to conduct the entire convention and after taking suggestions from the discussions on the statutes and reports, prepare documents and pass them.

General Secretary Ghanshyam Bhusal informed that the convention will be held till June 20, with the participation of more than 1,800 delegates.

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ १६:२६
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