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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

It is not necessary to become a minister to take the budget and plan: Prime Minister


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Prime Minister Pushpa Kamal Dahal has responded in Parliament regarding the ministerial budget and planning focusing on the regions and districts of the ministers. Should UML MP Thakur Gayre become a minister to take the budget and plans? He asked that.

It is not necessary to become a minister to take the budget and plan: Prime Minister

In response to a question asked by MP Gayre at the meeting of the House of Representatives on Thursday, Prime Minister Dahal said that as much as possible, the budget and plans have been allocated proportionately. "It is not necessary to become a minister to take the budget and plan, the budget has been allocated in a proportional manner as possible," said Prime Minister Dahal. In the coming days, more emphasis will be placed on allocation of budget and plans in a proportionate manner.

The prime minister's argument was that the political ups and downs before the budget formulation affected the fact that the federal government would not proceed with plans of less than 30 million.

In order to ensure that the annual budget and programs are formulated in a practical and profitable manner, the Prime Minister has adopted a policy of not allowing duplication between projects at the union, state and local levels. made it clear that there is.

He said some of the conditional grants under the financial transfer He informed that although some projects and programs have less funds for the completion of the projects, these types of projects will be implemented by the provincial and local governments.

Similarly, Dahal said that the model project of Gandaki Economic Triangle presented through the budget will prove to be a milestone in the economic and social development of Nepal. "This will prove to be a milestone in the economic and social development of Nepal," he said.

प्रकाशित : असार ६, २०८१ १३:१५
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