कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

A decision by the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee to throw out all past reports on co-operatives

This is the ninth investigation committee in the cooperative context. The remaining 8 inquiry committees, the Commission of Inquiry, have already been formed. It has been decided that the reports of all of them will be received by correspondence through the secretariat within June 2. - Surya Thapa, Chairman of the Committee

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The Parliamentary Investigation Special Committee on Misuse of Cooperative Savings Fund has requested the related parties to provide investigation and study reports on cooperatives at various times.

A decision by the Parliamentary Inquiry Committee to throw out all past reports on co-operatives

The second meeting of the special committee held at Singh Darbar on Friday will present the reports of the committees and investigation commissions formed in the past for cooperative investigation. It has been decided . Chairman Surya Thapa informed that it has been decided to send correspondence to provide such reports by June 2nd.

'This is the ninth investigation committee in the cooperative context . The remaining 8 inquiry committees, inquiry commissions, have been formed earlier. Regarding the institutionalization of cooperatives in Nepal, as many investigation committees, studies, investigation committees have been formed. It is said that the reports of all of them can be obtained by correspondence through the secretariat, Chairman Thapa said, "I would also like to humbly request all the related parties on behalf of the committee to provide all the necessary documents, documents and reports related to the cooperative." In the

meeting, the draft of the procedure of the special committee has also been discussed . Before finalizing it, it will be discussed with the coordinators and members of the working group to be clear about the mandate. It has been agreed that the members will study the proposal prepared by the secretariat in the

meeting and make suggestions in writing in the next meeting to be held on June 2. The special committee said that since the procedure is the main basis of the special committee's work, it is appropriate to make the final decision after thorough discussion.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २५, २०८१ १८:२६
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