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'Nepal Sales Mission 2024' in Beijing to promote Nepal's tourism


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With the aim of promoting Nepal's tourism, the tourism businessmen in Doha, China have held a promotional program in Beijing, the capital of China, on Monday. The 'Nepal Sales Mission 2024' and Bitubi program held at the Nepali Embassy was attended by Nepal Tourism Board Gandaki Province, Pata Nepal Chapter, travel agencies, hotels and Chinese entrepreneurs.

'Nepal Sales Mission 2024' in Beijing to promote Nepal's tourism

In the

program, Nepali Ambassador to China Bishnupukar Shrestha said that since Nepal wants to be upgraded from a least developed country in 2026, economic development is inevitable and Nepal is willing to cooperate in the tourism sector for this. He said, "We encourage travel and tour operators to cooperate in the tourism industry between Nepal and China."

The historical, religious and cultural relations between Nepal and China are strong and informed about the potential of tourism cooperation between China and Nepal. He expressed his belief that the natural beauty of Nepal will enchant the Chinese as there are seven world heritage sites in Nepal namely Swayambhunath, Boudhanath, Pashupatinath, Kathmandu, Patan, Bhaktapur Durbar Square and Lumbini.

Lonely Planet, Rough Guide, Trip Advisor and others have evaluated the characteristics and unique characteristics of Nepal as a tourist destination or a destination that must be visited once in a lifetime. Ambassador Shrestha said, "Since Nepal and China have announced that 2025 will be celebrated as the Year of Visiting Nepal, this program seems very relevant now."

Since the arrival of Chinese people in Nepal is followed by Indians, the number of Chinese tourists has been decreasing recently, so the organizer says that a tourist promotion program has been organized to increase the number of Chinese tourists. After the Covid-19 epidemic, the arrival of Chinese tourists has not returned to the previous situation. The representatives of the sales mission are working to bring it back to pre-pandemic conditions. In 2019, about 170,000 Chinese tourists entered Nepal, making the record of the largest number in history. In the

program, reference materials about Nepali tourism activities were presented and various documentaries were shown. Kundan Kumar Mishra, a senior officer of Nepal Tourism Board, introduced the places to visit in Nepal and informed about the necessary facilities for the Chinese.

Despite limited vacations in China, more than 150 million Chinese travel the world annually due to government incentives. China even arranges a day's vacation as a vacation with enough money to travel. As an effort to bring in only a part of the world's tourists to Nepal, promotional programs have been done recently in Guangzhou, Changtu and other places in China. Kwangzhou International Travel Fair was held in the first week of May.

President of Natta Gandaki Province Hariram Adhikari said that Nepal is a suitable destination for all seasons. The sales mission presented the beauty of Pokhara in Gandaki province, which was declared the capital of tourism on 4th of Chaitra last year. Nepal Association of Tour and Travel Agents (Natta) Gandaki Province gave this presentation in coordination with the Nepali Embassy with the expectation of bringing Nepal's tourism back to normal.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ७, २०८१ १७:२८
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