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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Techno Mobiles gaming phone Pova-6 in the market


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Mahalakshmi Mobiles, the official seller of Techno and Itel mobile phones, has launched the gaming phone Techno Pova6 in the market. According to the company, it is one of the most powerful gaming phones currently available in the country.

Techno Mobiles gaming phone Pova-6 in the market

According to the company, Pova6 has 24 GB RAM (RM) super memory along with 256 GB ROM. The best gaming processor that current technology can give is 'MediaTechHelio G99'.

Pova6 has a 6000 MHz battery and a 70 watt ultra charge, the company said. It has a 6.78-inch FHD and AMOLED display. The company said that it will be presented in the upcoming Pavji program.

प्रकाशित : असार ३, २०८१ १७:३२
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