कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२५.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५४

Release of Kavi Rana's 'Rato Nadi'


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Baglung poet Junu Rana's first poem 'Rato Nadi', who has been making Hong Kong a work place for a decade and a half, was released on Saturday at the auditorium of Mandala Theater in Thapagaon, Nayabaneshwar by Bairagi Kainla, former chancellor of Nepal Pragya-Pratishthan, senior poet and world scholar.

Release of Kavi Rana's 'Rato Nadi'

Speaking at the program chaired by poet and scholar Shashi Lumumbu, the chief guest Kaila said that the critics who are called trendy have not paid attention to the poetry of the poets who are writing poetry with the latest consciousness. He wrote beautiful and powerful poems in Kavi Rana's poetry published by Ratna Book Bhandar. Mentioned that.

Kaila said, "Nepali literature has got a great work today. It doesn't matter if one side called the mainstream doesn't see it. This work has everything, the themes are simple. The use of structures, images, symbols and ornaments is better. The poet has used the words by doing faro. 'Rato Nadi' has really come out as a masterpiece."

Poet and scholar Shravan Mukarung said that poet Rana has presented the subject of 'common' from a new angle. He claimed that poet Junu Rana's poetry will bring a new wave in the crowd of many contemporary poets who are writing poetry. In the program, poet and critic Dr. Bindu Sharma, President of Kavi and Communication Group Vimala Tumkheva and Poet and storyteller Bina Thing gave a critical opinion on the released work. Poet Rana shed light on her poetry writing. Professor and poet Dr. Biplav Dhakal, Songwriters Association, President of Nepal Vasantavityasi Thapa, Musician Vasant Mukarung and others were present. In the

event, poet Sita Tumkheva, singer Yash Kumar and artist Ankit Khadka presented 'Rato Nadi', 'Absence' and 'Jatko Brahmand' respectively and all three of them jointly presented the poem titled 'Ma Ek Berang Rang' in music. The music of the poem was composed by singer Jhuma Limbu. The performance was accompanied by Mayju Acharya, Adishree Dhungana and Aruna Gandharva on instruments.

प्रकाशित : असार १६, २०८१ ११:५५
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