कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Virat Wangmay Utsav Myjharo


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'Virat Literature Festival' has been completed in Biratnagar. Various topics were debated during the three-day festival. On Saturday, the last day of the festival, Professor Krishna Pokharel expressed his opinion about the limitations of the study of leaders.

Virat Wangmay Utsav Myjharo

"Although it is important for politicians to be well versed in literature, our leaders are not very studious", said Professor Krishna Pokharel, "It is sad that the comment that leaders do not need to read books is established."

Speaking in a panel discussion titled 'Politics and Literature: Politics in Literature', Pokharel pointed out that the study of literature is also necessary to understand Nepal's politics, political history and political ups and downs. In the discussion facilitated by

journalist Parbat Portal, poet Mishra Baijayanti and journalist Ramirzhan Yadav commented that the sign of writing literature is directly related to politics.

In the next session, journalist Krishna Adhikari discussed about 'Yogvani and Yogamaya' with Bharat Vasnet and Nirmala Koirala. Speakers from Yogamaya's rebellion Bringing up the context of deification, he compared the courage he did at that time as incomparable.

Storytellers Ramesh Sayan, Kavita Rai and Viyas Rai shared their insights on character creation in narratives in a discussion titled 'Character Creation in Narrative: Hypothesis and Presentation'. Deepak Shamchu facilitated the discussion .

In the last session, poets Munaraj Sherma and Seema Abhash and Ramji Timsina discussed 'Character and Gender'. Poet Deepa Dahal facilitated the discussion .

On the second day of the festival organized by Arohan Gurukul Biratnagar and promoted by the Biratnagar Metropolitan City, the program started with the recitation of poetry in the mother tongue and ended with ghazals.

mother tongue poetry reading Shivnarayan Pandit (Maithili), Sreesisha Rai (Vantwa), Vishwarsinh Mewahang (Mewahang), Narendra Parasar (Sanskrit), Shivu Murmu (Santhal), Pooja Vahar (Bhojpuri), Narayan Prasad Rajvanshi (Rajvanshi), Lakshman Nevtia (Marwari), Ramsagar Chaudhary (Tharu), Indu Yonjan Tamang (Tamang) and Sarita Tuladhar (Newari) recited poetry in the language .

Madhu Pokharel, Romu Adhikari, Vishal Bhandari, Angela Thami, Kalpana Acharya, Srishti Savitri, Sumi Pokharel, Deepak Kattel, Prashant Wagle, Sindhu Niroula, Yakthumwa Kancha and Bishwajit Chamling sang the ghazal.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ३०, २०८१ १२:०९
जनताको राय

लामो समयदेखि किसानलाई भुक्तानी नदिएका दूग्ध उद्योगीहरूले उल्टै 'मिल्क होलिडे' को चेतावनी दिएकोबारे तपाईंको भनाई के छ ?
