कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६६

A destiny to drift


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Never thought
One day by squeezing his own blood 
To be filled in – letters in passport
And, glasses full of tears will have to shake their heads

A destiny to drift

Never thought

The inheritance of the ancestors will have to be put in a corner

Queue at the airport

You will have to wave like the flag of the country, the hand of farewell

and, you will have to leave everything and the borders of the country

Who knows?

Is that water flowing in the fountain at the door of the airport or Bhanjyang's tears?

Suseli who came from somewhere, is she happy or sad?

Why are the flowers like the neighboring villages withered?

is stuck on every face--drought

is sitting on one face--sadness


A traitor's ugly voice may be heard

But who can tell?

The chanter of Buddha's sacred mantra has chanted from the heart

The one who shows the height of Mount Everest

has felt it from the heart

Leaving a 6-month-old child like a flower

To buy the future of that child

In the heart of a mother walking with breast pain

flowers grow or thorns?

Sir, did the planters plant flowers or thorns on the road? In response to

There are the bloody feet of that mother

And there are rivers of blood flowing from the feet

Rivers don't just flow in the river

It can flow - Kanchan auto of the mountains

It can flow - Nagbeli path of the mountain

It can flow - Terai Clay soil

What is the country?

Those who sit on top of the mountain stop

, this landslide series

As I am standing at the airport with my heart squeezed, I

May the country not be found in this row that will flow one day.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ ०८:२५
जनताको राय

संसद्का दुई ठूला दल कांग्रेस र एमालेले गरेको सत्तासहयात्राको नयाँ सहमतिबारे तपाईंको धारणा के छ ?
