कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

We understand the city, we do not understand the village!

We don't understand the west when we understand the east, the plains when we understand the mountains. When we understand the ruler, we do not understand the oppressed, when we understand the hat, we do not understand the dhoti. Therefore, we were neither crows nor haas.
Village schools have buildings and teachers, but no children to study. Even though it is dusty and muddy in winter, there is a road for cars, but there are no people to ride in cars.
सुदन किराती

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Where will we stay Nepalese? 
The height is our stove, where there are no mountains
I started my journey to eastern Nepal with this song of national poet Madhav Ghimire in my heart. The name of that continuous spring journey was – Spring-Yatra.

We understand the city, we do not understand the village!

With springtime, doves were nesting outside the room where I was sitting. I walked without the doves starting to lay eggs for the continuation of the creation and the way taught by my ancestors and nature. The dove and I were two, but the purpose of time was one. Both of us were in a hurry because I had finished the program and returned before the rain, the pigeon had raised its chicks and flown away before the rain.

In that spring-journey, we rode from Koteshwar along with the rooster on the morning of the 2nd of Baisakh, with the aim of realizing the society, nature, geography and culture as a whole. The vehicle stopped at the Bhaktapur ticket counter for a long time. A glimmer of light was just falling on the earth. I wore a mask and a cap - so that no one would recognize me easily. Because what do people say on that long journey? How do you travel? He wanted to hear and see. And he had to recall his life before becoming a minister.

I walked from home after drinking two glasses of lukewarm water. That's why the urine spilled a lot. Public toilets were nowhere to be found in the vicinity. In the city of Bhaktapur, the shutters were opening with a bang. Requests were made everywhere from the ticket counter, but no one allowed to urinate. The stomach was throbbing with more and more small urine. The culture of the city has left Bairag, even after it is time to die, no skill is left. I opened my mask and cap and greeted one person. He hugged me and took me inside the house saying 'Minister should be there' and I got to use the toilet. I was convinced, but I couldn't be happier. I remembered the situation of my country, the culture of my city because even to urinate you have to show dignity. Remember two more things. First of all, this is why there is a hunger in this country for ministers to walk around with sirens and from the ward president to the President of the country showing their status. Second, it is easy to understand how difficult it will be for the people. As the saying goes, 'A knife will cut a stone, a stone will cut a knife'. Even if you drink water, your kidneys will be damaged by urine, if you don't drink, your kidneys will be damaged due to lack of water in your body. In the Parliament, we leaders talk about big development, we talk about rocket science, we talk about the international community, but throughout the journey, I was bitterly saddened by the fact that toilets could not be built in the nation.

Along with the spring season, blooming flowers were found all over the road, but young people like flowers were not found in the villages. Only old people - parents were found. The youth failed the medical exam and could never go abroad. After they did not learn any skills, they returned to the village and were found scattered like beans in the rice. The scene of the youthless village made my spring-journey chill inside my chest like the chill of Shishir yam.

Comparing the republic and the monarchy, there is a qualitative difference in material development, but the youth are leaving the family and the country, while the family is leaving the village. Indeed, the village is in the process of dissolution. There is a health post in the village, there are no basic medicines like Cetamol. The school has buildings and teachers, but no children. Even though it is dusty and muddy in winter, there is a road for cars, but there are no people to ride in cars. Gradually, the electricity pole is going to the village, but there is a wave of people from the village entering the city. The monkey problem is the same. To understand these and all such topics, watch the film 'Gaon Inya Bato' directed by Naveen Subba, which is currently in discussion - why and how Rai Maila was forced to leave the village!

The republic achieved by long struggle and sacrifice was not brought about by small suffering. Clear policies and phased programs for the comprehensive transformation of Nepali society should have been put forward at that time when all the forces were being used against autocracy. In China, Mao said, 'Many problems of the people are solved during the revolution, many problems are solved after the government and some time must be spent to solve the problems of a long-term nature.' We said it will happen at once. We have come to say that the Republic is the only true Sanjeevani.

Even after 17 years of the establishment of the republic, it is sad to say that the right policy has not been formulated based on the needs and priorities for planned development. Therefore, non-productive infrastructure could not create employment. The country has become a factory for the unemployed. Our country has become like a manpower seller. The international airport today has become like a mixture of tears and laughter. Sending crying when you go and calling you laughing when you come.

An example

The government data that declared Nepal as the first open and free country in South Asia is also out of date. It is the month of November 2073. As a former MP, I was also invited to a program to announce an open defecation-free zone in a village in Bhojpur. When we reached there after walking a long way, the preparations for the program were in full swing. I went to defecate in a house, but instead of water, the toilet was filled to the point where I could not touch it and see. The old woman was sitting on the floor of the house drawing her hair. I asked my mother, mother, today is the day of the inauguration of the charpi, but the charpi is full even without opening it! Shouldn't you put water in the pot, mother? In response, the mother said, 'Nani (in the eastern hilly areas it is customary to call the son also Nani) the water is far away. One hour to go, how many hours to get in line, how many hours, one and a half hours to come uphill, water brought by me old lady after spending the day. Shall I keep it in the corner or in the crib, Nani? Mother's words are correct. If the policy had been scientific, there should have been a system of one house and one tap before one house and one toilet. I was shocked by my mother's answer to the question that I asked so stubbornly. I was speechless. The grand principles and philosophy of my political life were taught to me by my old mother. It is the result of not making realistic policies based on needs and priorities. Similarly, another example, after the earthquake of 072, the government spent more than 4 trillion 26 billion 49 crores of the state and gave 3 lakh rupees to more than 845,000 beneficiaries. However, there are no people living in those houses at the moment. Chickens and goats are kept. On that spring-journey, I asked one of the fathers, "Hey father, why do you keep chickens and goats in this house?" Ba said, 'Nani, even though the son has gone abroad, the daughter-in-law is still there. We are mother-in-law. Has a disabled daughter. Sometimes guests come, the rooms are very cramped. Where to cook, where to eat, where to sleep. We didn't like this house. That's why we live in the old house, Nani. It is true that there is a group family in Nepali society. How much better it would have been if the government had given Rs. However, it is felt that the fundamentalist policy which cannot reduce or increase even one inch beyond the length 12 and width 10 feet prescribed by our policy has only wasted the time, property and power of the state.

M.A. in Sociology during Spring-Yatra He met with a conscious Dalit brother. In the course of the conversation, my brother told me, 'Brother, I don't want to go to the village.' I asked, 'Why, brother?' In the next episode of the conversation, he said, 'They say the country's borders have been broken, but that doesn't affect me.' The system changed, but our situation remained the same. Elections were held in the country many times. That election came from village to village and to our house. Let's vote and win. The leader we won ran the government, but unfortunately! We did not use the water in our hands. Dalits are killed in love, Dalits are beaten in front of God. Even if this country remains for those who live uncivilized lives like us? What if not? We have to protect the country, we have to have a ruler, for what?'' The language was simple and straightforward, but the meaning was serious and as heavy as a mountain. During my spring trip, this topic became a cannon. I myself was destroyed, my chest was broken.

We have always said, nationalism is under threat. There is a deep feeling that nationalism is not in danger, but we ourselves are in danger of nationalism. In one context, Hitler said, "When the government and its chair are faced with a difficult situation, if the people can be made to panic that the nationalism is in danger, the chair will be saved." It is possible to protect the borders of the country only through the national unity of the people. It is the people who are unhappy and dissatisfied with the nation, and if they cannot be tied to the formula of national unity, the border will not be protected. All forms and forms of oppression in the society should be ended as much as possible. For the effective implementation of fundamental rights and social justice provided by the constitution, it should be implemented in practice.

We have the ego to understand the universe, but we are not able to understand the country. When we understand the center, we don't understand the local, but we understand the center when we understand the local When we understand development, we don't understand destruction, when we understand cities, we don't understand villages. When we understand the east, we don't understand the west, when we understand the mountains, we don't understand the plains. When we understand ruler we don't understand exploited, when we understand hat we don't understand dhoti. Therefore, we are neither crows nor ducks.

Bringing socialism or reaching socialism? We got lost in the path that the constitution guided. Most of the time we said we will bring socialism. However, we do not know what kind of socialism we will bring? And, where to get? Sometimes we say like China, sometimes like Russia, and sometimes like Latin America. We also thought of socialism as importing goods. We started with what should not happen.

Therefore, it seems that now we have to use the term 'not to bring socialism but to reach socialism'. Socialism is not an imported commodity. I concluded the spring-journey with the conclusion that current Nepali socialism is built on the basis of socialist practices, culture, history and philosophies in Nepali society.

However, the popular song created by Ramesh and Manjul about five decades ago was added to the song by poet Madhav Prasad Ghimire.

प्रकाशित : असार ८, २०८१ ११:०२
जनताको राय

प्रधानमन्त्री पुष्पकमल दाहालले नेकपा एसको प्रतिवेदनमा माओवादीलाई 'अस्थिर' भनिएकोबारे महाधिवेशन उद्घाटन समारोहमै असन्तुष्टी व्यक्त गरेका छन् । माओवादीको कार्यशैली तपाईंलाई कस्तो लाग्छ ?
