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iPhone maker Foxconn will not employ married women in India


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Foxconn, a Taiwanese multinational company that manufactures and distributes Apple's iPhone and other devices, has created a big wave in India after it came out that it does not employ married women at its plant in India. In an investigative news published by Reuters on Tuesday, it was mentioned that Chennai-based Foxconn does not give jobs to married women because they have to take care of family responsibilities.

iPhone maker Foxconn will not employ married women in India

Although the company has employed thousands of women in India, it has been discriminating based on marital status, according to Reuters. "From January 2023 to May 2024, Reuters traveled to Sriperumbudur more than 20 times to talk to dozens of women and job seekers about Foxconn's hiring process," Reuters wrote, "while reviewing applicant details, company job advertisements and WhatsApp discussions Four of Foxconn's third-party recruiters were found to have said only single women would qualify for assembly plant jobs. Reuters also revealed that the ad did not mention the hiring process for male candidates.

The Indian government has also expressed interest in this news. India Today reports that the government has asked the state of Tamil Nadu for details on not giving jobs to married women in iPhone assembly plants. According to the Federal Ministry of Labor and Employment, it is clearly mentioned in the law that there will be no discrimination in the recruitment of male and female workers. The ministry has informed the Indian media that a detailed report on Foxconn has been requested from the labor department of Tamil Nadu.

The company supports the highest supply chain standards and Foxconn employs some married women in India, Apple mentioned. "All our suppliers in India, including Foxconn, employ married women," India Today wrote, quoting Apple. Foxconn issued a statement strongly denying allegations of employment discrimination based on marital status, sex, religion or any other form.

Foxconn, the largest distributor of Apple iPhones, opened its first factory in Tamil Nadu in 2017. Foxconn, which has been aggressively expanding factories since then, began assembling the iPhone 15 in 2023. Since the beginning of this year, the company has also been assembling Pixel smartphones in Tamil Nadu in partnership with Google.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ १८:३५
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