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Increasing viewing of 'National Fine Arts Exhibition-2081'


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About 20,000 people have seen the 'National Fine Arts Exhibition-2081' in Naxal, Kathmandu.

Increasing viewing of 'National Fine Arts Exhibition-2081'

Devendra Kumar Kafle, member secretary of the organizer Nepal Pragya Pratishthan informed that about 20,000 people have visited the art exhibition so far and this process is continuing. He said that politicians, artists, writers, writers, intellectuals, social workers, common people and students are observing the exhibition. He said that so far more than 40 school students have seen the art exhibition. "Students from five/six schools come to see the exhibition on some days, overall this year it is more exciting than the previous ones", said Thumkeli. Naradamani Hartamchhali, chancellor of

foundation, said that this time the foundation will conduct education skills program in dozens of schools in Kathmandu. He said that the attraction of the students has increased due to the operation. This art exhibition is considered as the biggest celebration of the art sector in Nepal. In order to protect, promote and promote fine arts, the best works selected from the provincial fine arts exhibition were held for the first time in the country, and the best artworks selected from that exhibition have been placed in this year's national fine arts exhibition, that is why it is important, Chancellor Hartmchali said. Lalkaji Lama, Vice-Chancellor of

Foundation and Coordinator of the 'National Fine Arts Exhibition 2081' Executive Committee, says that since the establishment of the foundation, exhibitions have been held for the promotion of art.

The exhibition started on the 15th of June with the original slogan of 'Social Transformation, Fine Art Campaign'. The exhibition will run throughout this month. Five hundred and twenty-two artworks of four hundred and eighty-two artists have been placed in the exhibition.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २६, २०८१ २०:०५
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