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A bridge in Baltimore collapsed when a cargo ship collided

The vehicles fell into the river, leaving at least 20 people missing

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A bridge in Baltimore, Maryland, USA, collapsed when a cargo ship collided. International media reported that the 2.57 km long 'Francis Scott Key' bridge collapsed when a cargo ship collided on Tuesday morning.

A bridge in Baltimore collapsed when a cargo ship collided

According to the media, at least 7 vehicles have fallen into the river. In a live video posted on YouTube, the ship is seen hitting the bridge. After that some spans of the bridge have collapsed .

Citing the Baltimore City Fire Department, CNN reports that 20 people are being searched for. Maryland Governor Wes Moore declared a state of emergency after the incident. Divers have been mobilized to search for the missing person in the river.

The bridge, opened in 1977, was named in honor of Maryland author and attorney Francis Scott Key. Reuters reported that the construction of the bridge cost about 110 million US dollars.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १३, २०८० १५:५३
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