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Biden-Trump clash again

270 electoral votes are required to be elected as the US president, in the 2020 election, Biden was elected president with 306 electoral votes, while Trump received 232 votes.
As the latest polls show a tight race between President Wyden and Trump, whether Biden will be elected for a second term in November's election or Trump will take revenge in 2020 will depend on the results of swing states.

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In America, for the first time in seven decades, the competitors of the previous election are facing each other in the presidential election. Previously, in 1956, Republican President Dwight D. Eisenhower defeated Democratic candidate Adlai Stevenson for the second time. In the presidential election to be held on November 5, it has been decided that the current President Joe Biden and Donald Trump will be the candidates from the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

Biden-Trump clash again

Although very different in terms of parties and personal personalities, the two candidates have some similarities. They are - both of them have competed once for the presidential election. Both of them have held the office of President once/once. Trump, who won the presidency in 2016, was defeated by Biden in 2020.

The two leaders are competing again in November. Both the leaders have secured the support of the necessary representatives from their respective parties to run for the upcoming presidential election. In the primaries held in various states, Trump has gathered the support of 1273 delegates. To become the presidential candidate from the Republican Party, the support of at least 1,215 party delegates is required. Similarly, to become a candidate from the Democratic Party, it is necessary to gather the support of 1,968 party representatives, and 2,107 representatives have already stood in favor of Biden.

Both leaders did not have to face a tough challenge from within the party in the race to become candidates. It was estimated by some that Biden, who won the previous presidential election, would not compete for another term. There was little hope that Trump could make a "comeback" in the Republican Party. But as the election date approached, Trump became very dominant within the party and managed to position himself as the unopposed candidate. While becoming a candidate from the

party, he did not seem very competitive against Biden. Being the current president made him comfortable within the party. In addition, within the party, he was promoted as the only candidate who could defeat Trump. After receiving the necessary delegate support to become the nominee, Biden responded that he was "honored" by the party's renewed confidence in him. But the formal announcement of his candidacy will be made only after the Democratic National Convention in August.

The Republican Party will also announce candidates at the national convention. Trump has managed to garner unexpected support in the Republican primaries. Trump has won all but Virginia in the primaries held so far. He is very popular among voters who are the base of the Republican party. Nikki Haley, the former ambassador to the United Nations, who was considered the main competitor within the party, left the election race in the middle.

Even in terms of age, both the leaders belong to the old age group. Current President Biden has passed 80 years of life. Born on November 20, 1942, Biden assumed the presidency in 2020 at the age of 78. If elected for another term, he will remain in office for 86 years. Born on June 14, 1946, Trump is four years younger than Biden. Some are questioning whether Biden, who is 81 years old, can handle the responsibilities of the next presidential term due to his old age. But the Democratic Party has believed him. It has been somewhat easier for Trump to know his opponent. Because, he has managed to turn the finger pointed at him towards Trump.

In 2016, Trump won the election with the slogan 'Make America Great Again'. This time, he has put forward the slogan of 'Make America Great and Glorious Again'. The core issue of strict immigration policy is being dealt with. Trump has been promising voters everything from "closing the border" to deporting "record numbers" of illegal immigrants. He has pushed for an "America First" policy to reduce crime, increase domestic energy production, impose additional tariffs on foreign imports, end the Ukraine war, and address world affairs.

Biden is busy touting the positive trends seen in the US economy. He has shown great interest in efforts to curtail women's abortion rights and cut social programs. In addition, Biden claims that "the country will go backwards" if Trump wins. "We are facing a stark reality," Biden said last week after gathering the support of party delegates needed to become a candidate, "that freedom and democracy in America are at risk as they have been since the Civil War." Donald Trump is running a campaign of anger, revenge and revenge, which threatens the idea of ​​America. Biden says that he is confident that the American people will choose a leader worthy of moving the country forward.

Biden's claim was also muddled by Trump's response on Monday. Speaking at a rally in Ohio, Trump warned that there would be "bloodshed if he doesn't win the November election." Remember the date of November 5. I believe this will be the most important date in the history of our country," Trump said at a rally in Vandalia, Ohio. In response to his criticism, he said that Biden is the "worst president".

Earlier, Trump challenged President Biden for televised debates. He said that he is ready for a televised debate with the president of the Democratic Party at any time and in any place. However, it was commented by Biden's campaign team that "Trump engaged in unnecessary propaganda to spread his influence". Trump has been saying that Biden is too old and forgetful to debate him. In response to that, Biden has said that Trump's "mental state is weakening".

After the dream of becoming the president for the second time in a row from the previous election, Trump had caused chaos in the transfer of power. Trump, who rejected the election results as irregularities and rigging, also announced that he would not leave the White House. Because of this, hundreds of Trump supporters attacked the US Parliament building, Capitol Hill. The attack on January 6, 2021 by his supporters, instigated by Trump, is seen as a dark day for American democracy. Because of this incident, some people estimate that voters who believe in American democracy will stand against Trump.

Similarly, the relationship with Russian President Putin is considered to be hot for Trump. Experts say that if Trump is elected for the next term, it will benefit Moscow and affect American democracy and foreign interests. When Russia invaded Ukraine in February 2022, Trump praised Russian President Putin as "brilliant and very smart." Analysts say that if Trump is elected, he will cut aid to Ukraine and create a comfortable environment for Russia to negotiate a peace agreement in its favor. "Trump sees Putin as a strong leader," says Fiona Hill, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution and national security official for the first two years of the Trump administration. '

Looking at the results of the primaries in different states, it is seen that there will be a tough fight between Trump and Biden for the second term. Similarly, in a study conducted by Emerson College, 51 percent said they support Trump and 49 percent support Biden. In a survey conducted by the Kayser Family Foundation, 47 percent of voters are in favor of Trump and 44 percent are in favor of Biden. In the TIPP polling, Trump is seen ahead of Biden by one percentage point.

In a poll conducted by the Associated Press last week, only 38 percent of participants said they wanted to see Biden repeat the presidency. Only 37 percent said they were confident about Biden's age and health. 57 percent of voters are in favor of Trump's age and efficiency. However, in the survey of Redfield and Wilton Strategies, Biden is seen ahead. He won 43 percent of voters in his favor, while 39 percent are in favor of Trump.

Heath Brown, a professor of public policy at the City University of New York, says he doesn't just get caught up in poll results. "The campaigns of both candidates know that this race is going to be a tough fight," he said, "It will probably continue to be like this for some time and they will implement their strategies accordingly." In the 2020 election, Biden was elected president with 306 electoral votes. There were 232 votes in favor of Trump. One electoral vote went to the opposition candidate in Maine, which was won by the Democratic Party, and Nebraska, which was won by the Republican Party. The US state California elects the most delegates at 54, and Alaska, Delaware, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Vermont, Bioming, and the District of Columbia the least at 3/3 of delegates. For 2024, one to two electoral votes have been changed in some states.

States dominated by the Democratic Party are known as 'blue states'. This group includes California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Oregon, Rhode Island, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, and the District of Columbia. Similarly, the 'red states' that are in favor of the Republicans include Alabama, Alaska, Arkansas, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee. , Utah, West Virginia and Wyoming.

Similarly, Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Michigan, Minnesota, Nevada, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin are swing states. The results of these states are sure to affect the overall presidential election results.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र ७, २०८० ०९:२८
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