कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२८.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Government's decision to transfer suspended Chief Secretary Aryal to National Planning Commission

Suspended Chief Secretary Aryal has been transferred to the National Planning Commission by creating a special post of Gazetted Special Category Chief Secretary.

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The government has transferred the suspended Chief Secretary Vaikunth Aryal to the National Planning Commission. The meeting of the Council of Ministers held at the Singha Darbar on Monday created and transferred the suspended Chief Secretary Aryal to the National Planning Commission by creating a special post of Chief Secretary of the gazetted special category.

Government's decision to transfer suspended Chief Secretary Aryal to National Planning Commission

Declaring the decision of the Council of Ministers meeting, Government Spokesperson and Minister of Communication and Information Technology Rekha Sharma said that the Chief Secretary of the Government Vaikunth Aryal has been automatically suspended as per the prevailing law due to the fact that a corruption case has been filed by the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority in a special court. She said that the National Planning Commission has decided to create a special post of Chief Secretary in the gazetted special category and transfer him to that post.

She said, "Chief Secretary of the Government of Nepal, Dr. Vaikunth Aryal has been automatically suspended according to the prevailing law due to the fact that a corruption case has been filed in a special court by the Commission for Investigation of Abuse of Authority. Currently, it has been decided to create a special post in the National Planning Commission and transfer him to that post.

Spokesperson Bhusal said that the same meeting decided to transfer the amount of the financial equalization subsidy to be transferred to the local level in the fiscal year 2080/081. She said, 'Now 87 billion 35 million 29 million was allocated to be given to the local level in the previous fiscal year. 16 billion 99 million 22 million rupees will be transferred to the local level as 93 percent of that.

प्रकाशित : असार १०, २०८१ १२:०६
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