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The number of tigers reached 44 in Shuklaphanta

भवानी भट्ट

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The number of tigers in Shuklaphanta National Park has reached 44. Compared to the national census conducted two years ago, the number of tigers has increased in the census conducted last year. The results of the count were announced on Friday on the occasion of Wildlife Week.

The number of tigers reached 44 in Shuklaphanta

According to the count made by the camera trapping method from February 5th to 22nd, the park office has added 24 males and 17 females and the number of tigers has reached 44 by adding 3 based on the analysis. In the national census conducted two years ago, the number of tigers here was 36 .

The park in an area of ​​350 square kilometers was made into 92 grids of 2/2 kilometers and a pair of automatic cameras were placed in each grid. The number of tigers has been calculated by analyzing the pictures collected in cameras kept for 15 days.

'In areas where the number is low and there is a risk of theft,' said Pramod Bhattarai, the senior conservation officer of the park, 'We have been counting and monitoring the park regularly along with the national count.' Tiger migration has been seen in all areas.

In the national census two years ago, tiger migration was not observed in the extended area of ​​the park . But this time tiger migration has also been seen in the extended area. The area of ​​155 square kilometers of the existing wildlife reserve has been expanded. The wildlife sanctuary was upgraded to a park in 2071.

In this count, not only the number of tigers, but also the names based on their movements or marks on their bodies, said Lakshmiraj Joshi, head of the National Nature Conservation Fund's Shuklaphanta conservation program, which tiger goes where, how much it moves, what marks on its body. 6, everything has been identified.''

Senior conservation officer Bhattarai says that with the increase in the number of tigers, the same attention should be paid to the management of habitat and food species. He said that the number is continuously increasing due to the food species and good habitat. He said that the tigers inside the park are now roaming from Chure to Nepal-border.

Rhinos reach 23

The number of rhinos in the park has also reached 23 . In last year's count, 20 rhinos were found. According to the park office, 6 roosters With 10 females and 7 unidentified, the number of rhinos has reached 23.

In 1095, a Raithane rhinoceros from the Ranital region was seen in Shuklaphanta and a feasibility study was conducted here . Then in 2000 Chitwanba 4 rhinos were transferred . Then again in 2017, 5 more rhinos were transferred from Chitwan. Currently, the same number has increased to 23 .

Like the tiger, the rhinoceros is also named based on the habitat and markings on the body . Based on this, Josh says that it will be easy in the future from calculations to other researches. The habitat of the rhinoceros is considered suitable due to the good grazing area from the rivers and lakes. Accordingly, the number is continuously increasing.

प्रकाशित : वैशाख ७, २०८१ १७:०६
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