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Rabies vaccine shortage in the Far West

भवानी भट्ट

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There is a shortage of anti-rabies vaccine in the Far West. At the Mahakali Provincial Hospital in Mahendranagar, up to 10 people come daily to get vaccinated against rabies. But due to lack of vaccine, consumers have to buy it from the market. The vaccine which is provided by the government free of charge, now the beneficiaries have to buy it for 700 to 1000.

Rabies vaccine shortage in the Far West

There has been a shortage of vaccines for about two weeks. "It's been more than a week since the vaccine against rabies ran out," said Dr. Mahakali Regional Hospital Medical Superintendent. Arjun Bhatt said, 'Now the service users buy it from the market, we give them vaccinations.' There is no supply due to shortages from the state and center. He said that vaccination has been requested for a month.

Recently, rabies was seen in dogs in various places of Kanchanpur. Because of this, the fear has also increased among the locals . That is why the demand for vaccines has also increased. But while the demand has increased, there has been a shortage of vaccines.

5,000 doses of vaccine are needed in normal conditions across the Far West Province . But now the demand has increased due to various reasons. Niraj Aryal said. According to him, 15,000 to 20,000 doses are being consumed now.

"Now the demand has increased more than the normal situation," he said, "The demand has increased due to lack of awareness and fear, this is the reason for the shortage." He said that there has been a shortage of vaccines in Far West for 15 days. He said that the dose that lasts for four months is running out in one month .

dr. According to Aryal, he has received information from the health service department that there is no possibility of coming 15 days ahead. He said that there may be further delay because the procurement process has not been completed.

Due to the lack of awareness and fear about rabies, the demand for vaccination is high. Aryal tells . He said that there was no study and research about this and there was panic. He said that when a fox bites in rural areas, everyone in the village gets vaccinated and even when dogs die, there is fear of rabies. "Along with awareness about this, studies and research are also necessary," he said, "At the local level, awareness should be spread along with information about rabies."

प्रकाशित : वैशाख १, २०८१ १९:०१
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