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Budget expenditure is about the same as last year

चित्रांग थापा

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While presenting the budget for the current fiscal year 2080/81, the Far West Province government claimed to advance development and construction with high priority, but the budget expenditure of the province remains the same. The budgeted expenditure for the current financial year is also around the same as last year.

Budget expenditure is about the same as last year

According to the Provincial Accounts Controller's Office, in the comparative expenditure statement of the provincial government between the last financial year and the current financial year up to the end of January, current and capital expenditure Expenditure has increased by only about 1 percent compared to the same period last year.

Towards the current budget until the middle of January last year The expenditure was 25.97 percent and this year it was 26.48 percent has been Similarly, on the capital side, 13.98 percent was spent till the end of January last year, but this year it has been spent at 14.84 percent.

According to the Office of the Comptroller of Accounts, the total budget of the government of Sudurpaschim Province for the current year is 28 billion 96 million 59 million. Last year, the total budget of the province was 36 billion 44 crore 64 lakh.

'From the current budget of 12 billion 25 million 61 million to the end of January of the last financial year, 3 billion 18 million 34 million have been spent, which is the allocated budget 25th is only 97 percent. This year, in the budget of 11,943,500,000 till the end of January, 3,163,100,000 is spent, which is 26.48 percent of the expenditure, said Yagyaraj Pandey, Accounts Officer of the Provincial Accounts Controller's Office. 'Capital expenditure is less than the current expenditure, in this period of last year 24 billion 19 billion 3 million has been spent, 13.98 percent of 3 billion 38 million 28 million has been spent, 2 billion of 17 billion 22 billion 3 million by the end of January of the current year. 52.65 million or 14.84 percent has been spent.' Comparatively, the expenditure has not increased.

The work and expenses of the development ministries increase rapidly every year from Baisakh to June towards the end of the financial year. Accounts officer Pandey says, "At that time, the tender was called and the contract was awarded and the financial The practice of making payments towards the last quarter of the year means that even if the expenses are low now, they will increase later.'

The Ministry of Physical Infrastructure Development of the province by mid-January 16.99 percent, the Ministry of Social Development 17.39 and the Ministry of Industry, Forestry and Tourism 11. Only 42 percent has been spent. Experts in the economic sector say that the provincial government has not been able to improve the practice of spending the budget only at the end of every financial year. There has been a widespread public complaint about the budget being frozen, the construction work being incomplete and the completed plans not being of good quality and sustainable. The budget expenditure mentioned in the comparative details of the budget expenditure up to the middle of January means that the budget expenditure in the current financial year is The possibility of significant progress in the situation seems low.

प्रकाशित : फाल्गुन ९, २०८० २०:४७
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