कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२४.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Jaundice in earthquake-affected children in Darma

Two days ago, out of 35 children who came to my clinic for treatment, 22 had jaundice. - Yagya Bahadur Basnet, Head of Health Branch, Darma Rural Municipality
विप्लव महर्जन

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Jaundice has started to appear in the children of Darma Rural Municipality, an earthquake-affected area. Due to heat and contaminated water, jaundice has started appearing in children. The number of sick children has increased in all the eight health institutions in Darma Rural Municipality-6. Since not all health institutions have jaundice testing facilities, patients have to go to private clinics, District Hospital Salyan and Mission Hospital at Chaurzahari in West Rukum for blood tests and treatment.

Yagya Bahadur Basnet, Head of Darma Rural Municipality Health Branch, said that the children may have developed jaundice due to the hot summer and the rain a few days ago. He said that jaundice is a communicable disease and is transmitted to each other. According to him, there are about 1,700 children under the age of 5 in the municipality. He said that more than 100 children have been diagnosed with jaundice since last week.

Basnet, head of the health branch, said that there are more problems of vomiting, reluctance to eat, and weight loss among children. "Two days ago, 35 children came to my clinic for treatment, 22 of them had jaundice," he said.

After the earthquake that hit Ramidanda in Jajarkot on November 17 damaged various houses, the victim's family is forced to live in a temporary shelter.

Geeta KC, a health worker at Vulchaur health post, said that she is seeing not only jaundice but also diarrhea in children. Local Leela Khatri said that children are suffering from various diseases due to the lack of proper food arrangements after the earthquake.

She was living in a temporary shelter after her house was destroyed by the earthquake, and she said that it was difficult to treat her 5-year-old son due to lack of finances after he developed jaundice. She said, 'No income. It has been difficult to get treatment when my son is sick from time to time.'

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २५, २०८१ ०७:१५
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