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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १८५

A man who absconded after killing his wife was arrested after 17 years


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An accused who was absconding after killing his wife has been arrested by the police from Jajarkot after 17 years. Ram Bahadur Rawat, who was absconding after killing his 24-year-old wife Gauri Vick Rawat of Birendranagar Municipality-10 Latikoili 17 years ago, was arrested by the police from Junichande in the district.

One month after marrying Mrs. Gauri at Savik Latikoili-5 in Surkhet, Ram Bahadur killed her with a lathi charge on June 9, 2063. He threw the dead body in the cow shed and escaped.

Ram Bahadur, who has been absconding for the past 17 years, was arrested on the 21st. After killing his wife, Ram Bahadur, who had been hiding in India for 10 years, found his old residence in Baisakh in 2073. Returned to Kapra in Junichande of Jajarkot and got married again.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २७, २०८० १५:०८
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