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२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५०

Treatment of senior citizens depends on the camp

रुपा गहतराज

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70-year-old Zaituna Pathan from Banke Narenapur Rural Municipality-2 Roshanpurwa cannot see with both eyes. After the death of her husband 15 years ago, she is living alone. She can't even work due to the pain in the veins of her hands. Despite having two sons, she lives alone. There is no one to take care of you.

Treatment of senior citizens depends on the camp

'The two sons also live alone . There is no support in old age," she said, "I can't even go to the hospital. If a similar health camp comes, I will show you.' He does not have the ability to conduct regular health check-ups. Can't hear well . After the death of her husband, she is living with her son. "There is no one who goes to the hospital and gives medicine even when they are worried about stomach ache," she said, "No one tries to take care of the elderly." Rafit of Narainapur Bechahwa has 6 sons and 2 daughters . Everyone has their own family. He cannot walk properly due to leg pain. He could not even go to the hospital for treatment. "The life of old age is a lot of prayer," he said, "Even when you are old, you cannot tell anyone." There are no people to take them to the hospital.

The senior citizens of Narainapur rural municipality have to rely on the health camp to get treatment facilities. For drug treatment, the household They said that if they do not care, they have to stay in the free health camps that come to the village.

A free health camp has been conducted in Banke by the army's Ranjha-based Shri Bajradal Gana. Ravin Shrestha, Ganpati chief of Bajradal, said that the camp was organized with the aim of providing free healthcare services to the poor, helpless, disabled and underprivileged at Narainapur-2 Laxmanpur Primary Health Center. He said, 'This is just an initiative to provide health treatment through the camp for senior citizens who are far from access.' 670 patients underwent health check-up at the camp, which was run with the joint support of Nepalgunj and Shahi Dental Clinic. In the

camp, a team of 16 specialist doctors provided services to the patients who came for health check-up. In the camp, drug and bone joint, gynecological female obstetrics and sterility, skin as well as pediatric, dental, nose, ear, throat, eye, neuro and other diseases were treated.

Narainapur rural municipality chairman Istiyaq Ahmad Shah said that the service of free health check-up in the village for patients who are deprived of receiving services from the camp in the city hospital is effective .

In this one-day free camp, 51 women and 53 senior citizens have been treated for intoxication and joints, while 56 women and 53 men have been treated for skin . Likewise, 26 women and 37 men underwent dental treatment, while 46 women underwent eye examination, and 31 senior citizens were found to have cataracts.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १५:३०
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