कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Foundation laying of hostel building at Lomanthang


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Indian Ambassador to Nepal Naveen Srivastava and Chairman of Lomanthang Rural Municipality of Mustang, Tsi Nharvu Gurung, jointly laid the foundation stone of the dormitory building to be built for Lovo Nifug Namdrol Norwuling Gumba School on Friday.

Foundation laying of hostel building at Lomanthang

According to the Indian Embassy, ​​the dormitory building is going to be constructed with the financial assistance of Rs. Political representatives, government officials, social workers and representatives of the monastery school management were also present in the program.

Indian government's grant support under 'Nepal-India Development Cooperation' will be used for the construction of a two-storey dormitory building along with other facilities needed by this monastery school, according to the release issued by the Indian Embassy.

Under the agreement between the Government of India and the Government of Nepal, this project has been promoted as a high impact community development project. The embassy said that the implementation of this project will be done through Lomanthang Rural Municipality, Mustang and this project is an important example of strong development partnership between India and Nepal.

Since 2003, the Government of India has initiated more than 551 high impact community development projects in various areas of Nepal and has completed 490 projects.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ १८:०८
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