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२२.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Gandaki was not allowed to enter the state assembly meeting: MP Devkota


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Nepal Samajwadi Party MP Phanindra Devkota has said that he was barred from entering the Gandaki Provincial Assembly. Devkota said that after the order of the Supreme Court, he was prevented from going to the state assembly meeting on Thursday.

Gandaki was not allowed to enter the state assembly meeting: MP Devkota

"I came to the provincial assembly because the court ordered it." I don't know why it stopped. I am out now,' he said . Prem Subedi, Information Officer of Gandaki State Assembly Secretariat, said that he was not aware of this matter. Briefly responding to Ikantipur, he said, 'Please ask the Honorable Speaker on this matter.'

Speaker Krishna Prasad Dhital's personal secretary, Subas Amgain, said that this may have happened because the Supreme Court's letter was not received in the secretariat. He also said that he does not have detailed information about this as he is in Kathmandu. Deputy Speaker Vinakumari Thapa said that she did not know about this matter as she was a little late in the meeting.

प्रकाशित : असार १३, २०८१ १३:५७
जनताको राय

लामो समयदेखि किसानलाई भुक्तानी नदिएका दूग्ध उद्योगीहरूले उल्टै 'मिल्क होलिडे' को चेतावनी दिएकोबारे तपाईंको भनाई के छ ?
