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Gandaki's Policy and Programme: Continuation of the old programme

Cannabis cultivation on barren land will be encouraged
दीपक परियार

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Gandaki Provincial Chief Dilliraj Bhatt presented the annual policy and program for the upcoming financial year 2081/82 in the provincial assembly on Tuesday. Most of the old programs have been continued in the published policy and program.

Gandaki's Policy and Programme: Continuation of the old programme

The old programs in the fields of physical infrastructure, education, health, agriculture, tourism, drinking water, electricity etc. have continued in the policies and programs.

policies and programs have given importance to investment promotion, youth entrepreneurship, tourism promotion. Gandaki Province has adopted a policy of reforming policies related to partnership and coordination with the private and cooperative sectors.

It is mentioned in the policy and program that project development, investment promotion and facilitation will be implemented in private and public-private partnership by conducting 'Invest Gandaki Program' within Gandaki province.

By embracing the potential of the 'gig economy', services such as ride-sharing services, computer programming, software manufacturing, etc. are said to be legalized. It is mentioned in the policy and program that provincial single point service centers will be developed to provide services and information to investors in a simplified manner for an investment-friendly environment.

To promote the production of food, fruits, vegetables, spices, grass crops, hemp, Akbare Khursouni, Timur, etc. based on the climate, geographical suitability and potential to increase the production by bringing the barren land into use with the campaign 'Partnership of the State Government: Barren Farming' The policy has been taken by the state government.

Government's policy to develop and implement disease intelligence and surveillance system for local control of livestock and crop disease pests, to introduce programs such as 'one constituency, one technology-friendly smart agricultural firm', 'organic village', 'one ward, one product' is.

In order to protect crops in areas that are highly affected by monkey encroachment, 'Krishi Heralo' will be arranged based on needs in partnership with the community, local level and state government. The provincial government has a plan to conduct an adaptation program based on climate-sustaining ecological system, and to conduct a 'home first and abroad' program to promote domestic tourism.

Under the Bhagat Sarvajit Dalit Youth Entrepreneur Program, the provincial government has taken a policy to start the process of providing commercial loans to one Dalit youth entrepreneur from each ward of the local level within the province. The provincial government plans to conduct a youth campaign with

products to encourage the youth towards entrepreneurship, and to provide seed capital at a concessional interest rate for those who want to start a business.

It is mentioned in the policy and program that from the next financial year, the construction of the provincial assembly building will be started, and land will be acquired for the construction of the provincial administrative center and provincial employee housing, and initiatives will be taken to prepare a detailed project report. The government has a plan to encourage the construction of multi-purpose parking buildings in Pokhara. The policy and program will be discussed in the state assembly meeting on May 31 and 32.

Gandaki state chief Dilliraj Bhatt presenting the annual policy and program for the coming financial year 2081/82 in the parliament on Tuesday. Photo : Deepak Pariyar/Kantipur

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ २९, २०८१ १९:२०
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