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Journalist Federation Nawalpur in its own building

नवीन पौडेल

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Nepal Journalist Federation Nawalpur has run its office from its own building. The federation moved its office to its own newly constructed building on Thursday.

Journalist Federation Nawalpur in its own building

Nawalpur branch was established in the year 2075 after the Nawalparasi district of Savik was divided with the implementation of federalism.

The Federation's office, which was being rented, has moved to its own office at Kawasoti-3. Kawasoti Municipality Mayor Bishnu Prasad Bhushal of the newly built office building inaugurated. Speaking at the

opening event, Mayor Bhushal said that journalists should be persistent in alerting every aspect of the society and conveying correct information to the people. The municipality expressed its commitment to support the development and promotion of the communication sector.

President of Journalist Federation of Gandaki Province, Narayan Sharma said that along with the professional development of the members of the Federation, operating an office in its own building as a physical infrastructure will help in institutional development. Sharma said that the office of the association should be developed as an e-library. During the

program, branch president Virendra Parajuli expressed his gratitude to the supporting organizations, saying that he had fulfilled his commitment to move the office to his own building during his tenure.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ १०, २०८१ १९:३०
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