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Preparing to prosecute 35 people for the embezzlement of 16.5 crores of Chhiharpe Cooperative

नारायण शर्मा

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Based on the evidence of embezzlement of more than 165.8 million rupees from the savers in Chhihope Consumer Cooperative Society, which has an office in Kawasoti, the police has prepared to register a case against 35 people. It has been revealed by the investigation committee and the police investigation that Yogendra Pandey, the current manager, was the main planner in the money embezzlement.

Preparing to prosecute 35 people for the embezzlement of 16.5 crores of Chhiharpe Cooperative

Pandai was the chairman and manager of the cooperative for 7 years. He has given unsecured amount to people close to him. 10 people including Pandey were arrested 63 days ago.

'Later, it has been confirmed that money was embezzled by giving cash to people who were not even members of the consumer cooperative,' District Police Chief SP Narahari Regmi said, 'About 1 crore was taken directly from this cooperative which has an office in Kawasoti to Krishnasar Resort in Gularia, Bardia. . There is no reason to take the money there.'

organizer Pandey belongs to Bardia. He has directly invested the funds of the cooperative in the resort managed by Nagendra Bahadur Rimal, a person close to him. The president of the resort is Gita Basnet, federal MP of RPP. Although the police issued an arrest warrant to Basnet three weeks ago to investigate the investment in the resort where Basnet is the president, she is absconding.

"The fact that Basnet is absconding confirms that he is involved in embezzlement," says police chief Regmi. During the investigation, it was revealed that Rimal and Pandey embezzled the savings of Sunrise Cooperative in Chitwan and Namaste Cooperative in Bardia. At the same time, Rimal was also the president of Sunrise Cooperative while being the secretary of Chhihope Cooperative Board of Directors. Pandey was the secretary of Sunrise.

Management Pandey himself raised the minutes of the loan sub-committee and extended loans to his relatives without collateral, contrary to the rule that the credit committee's recommendation is mandatory when disbursing loans from the organization. Shyam Bhusal, coordinator of the loan committee, said that Pandey gave loans to 140 people without knowing the 3 members of the committee he was affiliated with.

Pandey has repeatedly given loans of 18.5 lakhs to 140 people by setting up fake loans. The names of the credit committee coordinator and 2 members are mentioned in the fake minutes he created. "Minute has been raised, but none of us in the debt committee know. The three of us do not have signatures on the minute, said Bhusal.

Secretary of Cooperative Bikram Karki says that they are collecting loans by going to the houses of people who have taken loans. There are currently 5 employees working in the cooperative's office.

'From January 21st to June 1st, 19 lakh 32 thousand amount has been recovered. That amount has been deposited in Garima Bank located in Kawasoti,' he said, 'The police has issued a circular so that the amount can be deposited and not withdrawn.' An unsecured loan of Rs.

Now this loan has reached 37 million 59 thousand with interest. By giving a registration pass to Shivlal Lamichhane for 22 kathas of land in Kawasoti-4 of Dumre, he extended a loan to the Dumre family through Lamichhane. The land passed to Lamichhane is mortgaged in another bank. During the investigation, it was found that Gopi Sharma, the current Chairman of the Board of Directors, was also involved in assisting Pandey in the misuse of loans. He is the local leader of UML.

As of last May, the outstanding debt of the cooperative is 44.45 million 21 thousand 664 rupees. The district police said that they are directing the secretary of the organization to collect the daily amount. Manager Pandey, current chairman Sharma who took loan without mortgage, Shivlal Lamichhane, Narendra Rimal and others are in police custody.

Rimal's mother-in-law RPPA MP Basnet is the president of the resort in Bardiya. Even on Wednesday, there was a crowd of savers who came to the office of the cooperative to understand about the refund. Shiv Bhuwai, a saver, said that he was running every day to get back the 7.5 lakh rupees that he had deposited. Small businesses such as local merchants, grocers, fruit shops, bicycle sellers are the daily savers of this organization.

Established in 2006, this cooperative has 2393 savers and share members. There is a provision that at least one thousand shares should be taken in the cooperative. Secretary Karki claims that if all the money is recovered, the money of the savers can be returned. "We are hoping that the amount can be returned if we can pay recovery and damages from the embezzlers," said Karki.

District Police Chief Regmi claimed that there was a delay in submitting the case to the court because MP Basnet was not present in the cooperative. Regmi narrated that RPP Central Chairman Rajendra Lingden told his MP on the phone not to leave him under any circumstances based on the evidence that he was involved in irregularities.

The delay is due to waiting for Basnet involved in the scam. Police chief Regmi said that he is preparing to submit the case to the court soon. In the investigation conducted by financial analyst Nirmal Gautam of the cooperative division office Pokhara, 21 people involved in the embezzlement of the cooperative's funds have been made opponents.

The police said that the case will be submitted to the public prosecutor's office on Friday for the amount of embezzlement in the cooperative, amounting to 165 million 58 lakhs, fines, damages and imprisonment.

प्रकाशित : जेष्ठ ९, २०८१ २०:५१
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