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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९०

Sharada Distillery confirmed to have defrauded revenue

Owner Pramod Goenka released on bail of Rs 2 crore 38 lakh 51 thousand
अवधेशकुमार झा

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Pramod Goenka, the owner of Sharda Distillery Pvt Ltd located in Golbazar, Siraha, who was arrested on charges of revenue evasion, was released on Tuesday on a bond of Rs.

Sharada Distillery confirmed to have defrauded revenue

Sharda Distillery was evading revenue by cutting an excise sticker into two pieces and pasting it on liquor bottles.

On March 3rd, after an excise duty sticker was found on a liquor bottle loaded from Sarada Distillery Pvt Ltd and stored at Ashish General Store in Madar, Siraha, the Internal Revenue Office sealed Sarada Distillery and Ashish General Store and proceeded with the investigation process.

The revenue office seized the bottles of liquor smuggled in two pieces and arrested Lalan Kumar Yadav, director of Ashish General Store, and Lok Bahadur Basnet, representative of Sharda Distillery.

During the investigation, the revenue office took Pramod Goenka, the chief director of Sarada Distillery Pvt. According to Punya Rizal, head of the Internal Revenue Office Lahan, it has been confirmed that Sharda Distillery cheated the revenue by cutting one excise duty sticker into two pieces.

The office had imposed a fine of Rs 2 crore 38 lakh 51 thousand 633 on Goenka. Goenka, the director of the distillery, was released on Tuesday after paying the bail amount as per Vigo, Revenue Office Chief Rizal said.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र २०, २०८० १९:००
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