कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२३.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ६०

The injured in the landslide were rescued by helicopter

आनन्द गौतम

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63-year-old Padam Bahadur Limwu of Sirijanga Rural Municipality-6 Mamakhe, who was injured in the landslide, was rescued by a Nepalese army helicopter and taken to Biratnagar for treatment.

The injured in the landslide were rescued by helicopter

Rabindra Acharya, Coordinator and Chief District Officer of the District Disaster Management Committee, said that he was rescued and admitted to Nobel Hospital in Biratnagar.

After the landslide damaged his house, Limwu, who had gone to the ward office to collect relief materials including tents, was swept away by the landslide while returning home on Friday evening. The landslide carried him 15 meters and brought him to Hangkhola. The villagers took him out and gave him first aid at the local health post.

The ward office and the rural municipality requested the Durgadal Gulm and District Administration Office of the Nepali Army in Taplejung to rescue him by helicopter as he was seriously injured in places such as his head. Acharya said that he was taken to the hospital on Saturday afternoon after coordinating with the Ministry of Defense through the Ministry of Home Affairs.

Landslides have caused more damage in this ward before. So far, 25 houses in the district have been completely damaged, according to the District Disaster Management Committee. Five people have died in the flood and landslide and three people including Padam Bahadur have been injured.

प्रकाशित : असार १५, २०८१ १८:५९
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