कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

Vehicle accident in Jhapa, 1 dead, 21 injured


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An old woman died in Birtamode, Jhapa on Tuesday morning after being hit by a vehicle. The deceased is 70-year-old Tankamaya Subedi, a resident of Morang Ratuwamai Municipality-8.

Subedi was hit by May 1 J 6613 vehicle while crossing the road in front of Birtamod Municipality-5 One Stop Mall at 8:40 am. According to the District Traffic Police Office, he died at B&C Hospital in Birtamod at 9:00 am during the treatment of him who was seriously injured due to the collision of the vehicle.

Similarly, there was an accident on East-West Highway located in Kamal Rural Municipality-4 of the district when a tipper number 3 B 2166 coming from the east and a passenger bus number 1 B 5087 going in the opposite direction collided with each other. 21 passengers in the bus were injured in the accident.

3 of the injured are in serious condition, according to traffic. District Traffic Police Office informed that the injured are being treated in Damak, Birtamod and Biratnagar hospitals.

प्रकाशित : असार ४, २०८१ १२:३५
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