कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२६.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

22 families of Mamankhe in Taplejung displaced due to landslides

24 houses at risk, 300 houses in water supply problem
आनन्द गौतम

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22 families of Sirijanga Rural Municipality-6 Mamankhe have been displaced due to rains, floods and landslides since Friday evening. According to the ward office, 24 houses are at risk. More than 300 houses here are suffering from drinking water problem after the pipe was washed away by the landslide.

22 families of Mamankhe in Taplejung displaced due to landslides

According to Ward Secretary Vishal Kumar Shah, the house of Bhimmaya Gurung and Gaurimaya Limbu has been completely destroyed by the landslide. Three people were living in Gurungko and two in Limwooko. The families of Harkamaya Limwu, Run Bahadur Limwu, Parsuram Limwu, Gangakamari Gautam, Bhimkumar Limwu, Sher Bahadur Limwu, Manoj Rai and Kalpana Limwu have been completely displaced.

Similarly, the families of Maan Limwu, Jagat Bahadur Limwu, Bir Bahadur Limwu, Indra Bahadur Bhattarai, Yam Bahadur Limwu, Buddhiraj Libwu, Ravi Bahadur Limwu, Runkumar Limwu Mawo, Saraswata Limbu, Narayan Prasad Bhattarai, Januka Bhattarai and Purna Prasad Gautam have been displaced. They have 88 families. Ward president Sukraraj Limvu informed that the displaced were kept in the school building and in the neighborhood.

Purna Bahadur Limvu, Ganesh Bahadur Limvu, Padam Bahadur Limvu, Sher Bahadur Limvu, Tej Bahadur Limvu, Sirane Ram Limvu, Run Bahadur Gurung, Aindra Rai and Manprasad Bhattarai's houses are at risk, according to the ward office.

Similarly, the houses of Indra Bahadur Limwu, Man Bahadur Limwu, Maghanath Bhattarai, Vidur Mawo, Lakh Bahadur Limwu, Dil Bahadur Limwu, Suryakumar Limwu, Tek Bahadur Limwu, Bhimkumar Limwu, Tikamaya Kangwa Limwu, Indra Bahadur Limwu A and B, Padam Bahadur Limwu, Jit Bahadur Limwu and Bishnukumari Limwu are at high risk. According to the ward office, they have 72 families. According to the Ward Office, the landslide has fallen from the top of the house, the landslide has gone from the right and the left, and the landslide has started from the bottom of the house.

It has been said that nearly 300 families had to be deprived of drinking water due to the damage of water sources and pipes due to landslides. The chairman of the village municipality Lal Krishna Chauhan says that there is a problem in rescue and relief distribution as the rain has not stopped. As soon as the rain stops, tents, blankets, food and other relief materials will be delivered, he said.

प्रकाशित : असार २, २०८१ १४:२०
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