कान्तिपुर वेबसाईट
२७.१२°C काठमाडौं
काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: ५९

Disappointment fueled by SEE results

पाठक पत्र

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Out of the 464,785 people involved in SEE, 52.13 percent i.e. 242,313 students have failed. According to the results, the number of female students who fail is more than male students. 1 lakh 14 thousand 48 people have failed in the male side, while the number of female students is 128 thousand 257.

The news that 88.12 percent of the failed students were from public schools added to the pain. Due to the rule of at least 35 marks in each subject, many students failed and were classified as non-graded (NG). According to the National Examination Board, students from urban areas have failed in social and Nepali subjects, while students from rural areas have failed in science, mathematics and English subjects.

The picture of the most failed in mathematics has been published. After the attack on the language was added, 69 thousand 532 students did not pass in Nepali. Educationists have blamed the Ministry of Education for this year's poor SEE results, concluding that the people who make and run the educational system have become irresponsible.

Those concerned with school education say that there is no effort to promote the quality of education and that teachers are shirking their responsibilities to the class, students and the profession. The Chairman of the National Examination Board has argued that the problems in the educational system and quality are increasing, if the NG is not maintained, students stop studying after passing even if they do not work hard, they become lazy and cannot be competitive, and later the failure rate in 11th and 12th class has increased.

Even though the president of the board gave the statement that the result system has been changed with the involvement of the relevant officials, who will pay the damages for the financial, mental trauma and time wastage caused to millions of students and parents? Is it within the government's responsibility to inform about changing the result system 2-3 years in advance without informing the concerned parties and brutally dropping the innocent students from the ranks?
– Bhuvneshwar Sharma, Chandragiri-2, Kathmandu

Dear Parents, The result of SEE has been published. Let's not scold our children because other people's children get more numbers on social media. If you bring many numbers, you can't live as a big person, and you don't have to starve if you bring few numbers. There are also examples of students who get many marks who are burdened with the same study.

Don't pressure your grandparents to bring more numbers. It's best not to publicize that my children have scored so many numbers on social media. More than the number, how practical and cultured he has been in life, that is important. So let's teach our children to be good people.
– Durga Prasad Sapkota, Gokarneshwar, Kathmandu

प्रकाशित : असार १७, २०८१ ०९:४८
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