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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १२७

The risk of political populism

It is the responsibility of the leadership to give political answers to the rational questions raised on the responsible leadership. But the practice of preventing questions from being raised, mass attacks on those who raise questions is itself a sign of authoritarian politics.

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Political philosophy is a worldview for viewing, understanding, and explaining society, politics, and the economy. Political parties and organizations are formed based on those views and ideas. In a democratic system, political parties run the state. Therefore, the ideas, principles and approaches adopted by those political parties come into practice during the administration of the state.

The risk of political populism

Therefore, the political vision of the ruling party determines how the life of the people will be. Yes, there are parties that do not need any political theory, but to say that we do not adopt any ideological approach is to represent a status quo opinion. To break the story, the debate about political ideas and views is weakening all over the world. Whether it is Marxism or Capitalism which is the most talked about in the world, the debate on such theoretical political questions is not reaching any conclusion. As a result, populism politics is on the rise all over the world. The main goal of such politics is to gain political power by giving catchy slogans to the people. Whether it is former US President Donald Trump or Brazil's Bolsonaro or India's Narendra Modi, all of them do politics by using emotions as a weapon to gain power rather than the needs of the people. Trump used white supremacy and anti-immigrant ideas in a patriotic political campaign, while Modi used Hindu extremism. Thus using a certain group against another group is a political philosophy of favoritism.

The basis of such philanthropic politics is the established political parties. In the past, established political parties transformed the political system through large-scale revolutions, struggles and agitations. Most of the democratic political transformations in Nepal have been led by the parties themselves. However, after coming to power, those political parties have deviated from the issues of ideas, principles and people's livelihood.

The promises made to the people during the past revolutions and struggles have been broken. The party and its leadership that fought against feudalism have been transformed into capitalists. The leadership that fights against corruption is either involved in corruption or in the protection of the corrupt. In most of the party centers, there is no discussion about the common citizens, workers, farmers and laborers, they have been erased from the memory of the party. New crises have been added to people's lives, but the political leadership has no interest in addressing these crises. People's hopes and expectations have been brutally murdered.

Disappointment and anger are rife among citizens. Due to irresponsible actions of political parties, people are looking for new options. This is a reflection of the attraction towards the new party. The basic character of political parties that have emerged in Nepali politics seems to be populist. Even the party that has emerged by making the dissatisfaction of the people as a political agenda has no definite idea, approach and concrete plan to solve the overall problem of the state. Apart from administrative reform, socio-political transformation, improvement in the economic life of the lower classes and backward communities, and solving the exclusion and discrimination prevailing in the society, there is no alternative idea. This does not mean that the old political parties and their behavior are okay. character of


The main political philosophy of romantic political parties is status quo and retrogression. The philanthropic political practice around the world has confirmed this. The solution to the problems faced by the Nepalese people should also be found politically. However, a new party like the National Independent Party does not have a method to solve national problems. The marginalized and oppressed communities do not seem to be able to accept the federalism achieved through the struggle. Its political interest is to gain the public opinion that opposes federalism. This is a backward idea against state restructuring.

Nepal's economy is in a shambles. The state is running on the remittances sent by migrant workers who shed blood and sweat in foreign lands. A dependent and failed economic system with a populist party has not provided any alternative. There is no new alternative for the cause and solution of Nepal's poverty, rather the promotion of the neoliberal capitalist system is the economic policy of that party. Building a self-sufficient economy is not their priority, that is, there is no possibility that the populist party will transform Nepal's economy.

Economic, social, multifaceted discrimination and exclusion are rampant in Nepali society. The dominance of the class and community that is constantly exploiting the elite, the capitalists, and the state power is still there. Social transformation is not possible without solving such social contradictions. Identification and transformation of those issues is the need of the moment. However, the question of ending the violence, oppression, exploitation, oppression, discrimination and exclusion that occurs daily in the society has never been at the center of philanthropic politics. Priyatavadi party of Nepal is no different from this. If we look at the paternalistic political practice around the world, it is led by fierce nationalists and oppressors. Trump's white supremacy, Modi's Hindu extremism are examples of this. The patriots of Nepal have no vision of ending casteism, racism and patriarchy. Secularism and racist practices tend to manifest under his leadership. To not readily accept social diversity is to practice abject monopolization. Another characteristic of

romanticism is opportunism. Such parties capture the aspirations of the people, give patriotic slogans and become a source of enormous power. Ravi Lamichhane and Ravi Lamichhane won the elections by raising issues of public concern such as corruption and irregularities, but in practice they themselves fell into financial mismanagement. After leading a ministry with conflicting interests, he has lost his moral standing to stand against corruption. This morality is lost not only by him, but also by the leaders and workers of his party. This is the result of opportunism.

Another characteristic of philanthropic politics is insulting others. All over the world, Privatist power has established itself by insulting and insulting other political parties. Politically incorrect activities should be opposed, this does not necessarily mean devaluing the historical role played by other parties for democracy. Criticism based on facts and logic is inherently productive. But hatred and criticism like the old political parties increase the appeal of the people but do not give a solution.

Monopolistic dominance is another characteristic of paternalistic politics. The practice of monopolization in which the leadership makes their opinion the party's opinion or does not allow questions to be raised about the leadership is practiced in paternalistic politics. For example, there does not seem to be any discussion about Lamichhane's dual citizenship, passport and co-operative fraud cases. The party leader has come to be compelled to stand up for the defense of the individual by disregarding the intelligence itself. In this way, love-based politics creates individualism and authoritarianism.

A silencer

Philanthropy is a political idea that empowers the individual. Analyzing the paternalistic politics around the world, this idea transforms a person into a strong ruler. Mahinda Rajapakse of Sri Lanka or Bolsonaro of Brazil. Turkey's Repep Erdogan or India's Narendra Modi. The paternalistic political practices adopted by all these promoted authoritarianism. Their zeal to make themselves strong rulers transformed them into authoritarian rulers. On the other hand it further oppressed and oppressed the excluded communities. If we look at the example of India, with the advent of Modi, there was widespread oppression of Muslims.

reached a state where he could not speak for the rights of tribals and Dalits. Many social organizations working for rights ended up being closed down. On the other hand, as in the US, the Trump administration acted to make immigrants suffer. Trump, who is running for president, explained his campaign a few months ago as "a campaign to rid America of evil forces", a bitter criticism of immigration.

In Nepal, there has been an increase in all-round attacks when rationally questioning the patriotist political leadership. It is the responsibility of the leadership to give political answers to the rational questions raised on the responsible leadership. But the practice of preventing questions from being raised, mass attacks on those who raise questions is itself a sign of authoritarian politics. The danger of populism becoming a weapon to suppress the voice of the excluded gender, caste, religious and marginalized communities is also increasing in Nepal.

However, any political party that fails to address the hopes, expectations and aspirations of the people, be it new or old, is ostracized by the people. Around the world, populist leadership is turning into dictators and being ostracized by the people. As Modi's Bharatiya Janata Party is shrinking in India, if the populist party and its leadership fail to meet the expectations of the people, there is no other option than to embark on a downward journey.

प्रकाशित : असार १४, २०८१ ०८:२५
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