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काठमाडौंमा वायुको गुणस्तर: १९०

Education Minister's campaign to recruit staff in Tajbiz


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The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology has introduced a new procedure for deploying trainees in order to reflect the lack of trust in civil servants. Procedures have been introduced with the provision that anyone who is studying or has completed higher education can be employed as a trainee.

Education Minister's campaign to recruit staff in Tajbiz

According to the constitution, the country is governed by the method of making laws and regulations. However, it has not been disclosed according to which law the 'Education Catalyst Operation Procedure-2080' issued by Education Minister Sumana Shrestha. The Ministry has started the homework of creating a parallel mechanism in Tazbiji to demonstrate the results of the performance by mobilizing the employees who have been legally appointed after passing the Public Service Commission examination. In this way, there is a risk that not only the method will be broken, but also the challenge of information security will be added when the trainees are dismissed.

It seems that the changes made by Education Minister Shrestha and his secretariat in the draft of the procedure also try to run the ministry in a shambles. In the proposed draft, if the recommendation of the trainees is made through the University Grants Commission, a provision has been made for selection and recommendation by the mechanism of the Ministry. In the selection and recommendation committee, there is a provision to have the Secretary of Education Coordinator and the Joint Secretary of the Planning and Monitoring Division and expert members appointed by the Ministry. The Deputy Secretary of Manpower and Planning Development Branch will be the Member Secretary. There is a high possibility that this process will be misused by the Minister of Education as a means of hiring the person he wants. In the

draft, it was proposed that graduate and post-graduate students will be evaluated in 100 points and mobilized as interns. However, it has been removed and the recommendation committee can directly select and recommend. There is a provision in the procedure to call for applications to hire trainee employees and to select from among them. Similarly, the provisions of the draft to deploy students studying in higher education as trainees for a maximum of three months have been changed and arranged to stay for any length of time.

It is said that the selected persons will be mobilized as trainees according to the needs of the ministry, departmental work pressure, thematic area and their interests. There is also a provision in the procedure that the education catalyst can coordinate and collaborate with other ministries, government and public bodies. This is a direct distrust of the political leadership on the civil service as the permanent government of the country. Nepal's existing personnel administration is not free from weaknesses, but the problems within it should be addressed through systematic initiatives. Any methodical intervention leads to chaos. Currently, the current and retired employees have objected to the intervention that the education minister is trying to do. There is a risk of adding more complexity to this implementation.

If there is a shortage of staff in any government office, there is a legal way to hire them from the public service, if there is a problem with the functionality of the existing staff, then orientation training should be taken. There are also established avenues of legal punishment if someone makes a deliberate mistake. However, if someone has the ambition to act capriciously rather than following the law, it is prohibited by law. Even this move of the new education minister cannot be legally challenged. Therefore, it would be appropriate to search for a legal alternative before wasting sensitive time by the lahod of ministers, ministries and the entire state system. The Ministry of Education should immediately correct this act of disbelieving its own bureaucracy and activating the wrong system. Only with trust, coordination and cooperation between the political leadership and the bureaucracy can the governance system become strong. The political leadership should strengthen the legitimate system by recognizing the potential of the employees, assigning responsibilities and encouraging them.

प्रकाशित : चैत्र १९, २०८० ०७:२७
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